IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from August 5th 2023 to August 11th 2023.

Credit: IFJ.


Russia accused of deliberately targeting journalists in Ukraine - Atlantic Council

Russia's war with Ukraine has generated its own fog, and mis- and disinformation are everywhere - ABC News

European journalists warn the Armenian government - Put an end to persecution of the press! - Azer News

Syria: TV journalist killed in roadside bomb in Daraa province - Euro Es Euro

Hong Kong’s homegrown security law, Article 23, is back in the spotlight - Global Voices

Cyber Security Act: Stakeholders have to give opinions by August 22 - The Daily Star

China: Human rights defenders and journalists jailed and censorship persists as president Xi starts third term in office - Civicus 

Tanzania - Journalists Assaulted While Covering Political Rally - All Africa

IJU voices concern on Data Protection and Press Registration Bills - The Arunachal Times

Palestine: Journalists Assaulted By Armed Man Driving An Israeli Ambulance In Occupied West Bank - Public

Bangladesh: Government Foreshadows Replacement Of Notorious Digital Security Act - Public 

Protecting journalists - The Nation

Media under the Sword - India Blooms


Allez-vous lire le nouveau JDD ? - Sud Radio 

Nouveau JDD et armée française au Niger - Sud Radio 

« Je déteste le sang et la guerre » : à la rencontre du photographe palestinien qui s’est fait tirer dessus onze fois -  Middle East Eye 


Mueren un periodista y tres militares en un ataque terrorista en Siria - ABC

Periodista de televisión muerto en una bomba al borde de la carretera en la provincia de Daraa - Es Euro 

La subida salarial a los periodistas españoles se aplaude en el extranjero - El Confidencial Digital 

Federaciones de periodistas valoran mejoras laborales en España con los "miércoles negros" - La Vanguardia

Los ‘miércoles negros’ logran mejores condiciones laborales en algunas redacciones - Periodistas de Aragón

Abundan la desinformación y la información errónea sobre la guerra en Ucrania - The San Diego Tribune 

Condena FIP ataque de Salomón Jara contra María de los Ángeles Nivón - Primera Línea 

La FIP y la EFJ condenan la quinta orden de prisión contra el periodista Barış Pehlivan - News Es Euro

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