IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from February 3rd 2024 to February 9th 2024.

Credit: IFJ


Brussels journalists call on media organizations to take action against killing of Gaza colleagues - Anadolu Ajansi 

Bosnian, Croatian, Journalists Honour Colleagues Killed in Israel-Gaza War - Balkan Insight 

An Essential Intervention on Behalf of Embattled Palestinian Journalists - The Nation

Bosnian, Croatian journalists pay tribute to murdered colleagues in Palestine - Anadolu Ajansi

Journalists stage protest in front of the Israeli Consulate for their colleagues killed in Gaza - Bianet

European Parliament launches Julian Assange exhibition ahead of UK extradition verdict - Euractiv

The International Federation of Journalists and the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate organized a sit-in in Brussels - Ahram online 

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson interviewed Russian President Vladimir Putin - NBC News 

Brussels Rally Condemns Israeli Killing of Journalists in Gaza - International Quran News Agency

Exhibition on Julian Assange - Politico 

Senegal: Crackdown On Media After Election Delay - AllAfrica

Unprecedented Loss: Support for Palestinian Journalists Amid Gaza Conflict - The Artistree

Representatives of International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) attend a vigil for journalists killed in Gaza - Daily Maverick


Concentración de periodistas en Bruselas por los compañeros asesinados en Gaza - ABC 

Concentración  de periodistas en Bruselas por los compañeros asesinados en Gaza - AGENCIA EFE

Vigilia ante la UE por la muerte de más de 100 periodistas en Gaza | Mundua - Naiz

Presidente serbio acusa a medios occidentales de lanzar una "guerra híbrida" contra Serbia - QuePasaMedia

Lunes, 5 de febrero de 2024 (08.30 GMT) - Infobae

Os xornalistas de Santiago de Compostela solidarizáronse cos seus compañeiros palestinos - El Correo Gallego


Commémoration en Belgique : 100 journalistes tombés lors du conflit à Gaza (vidéos) - Atipik

Le journal de 13h - La Première - RTBF Auvio

Des avocats bruxellois se rassemblent devant le palais de justice pour dénoncer le siège d’Israël à Gaza - 7sur7

Gaza: solidarité avec les journalistes palestiniens- SNJ CGT

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