IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 17 February to 23 February 2024.

Credit: IFJ


Julian Assange fighting extradition back to U.S. - CVT Atlantic

Julian Assange supporters gather outside court as extradition hearing starts - The Guardian

Will Assange case have chilling effect on journalists, whistleblowers 'risking 175 years in prison?' - France24

Can Julian Assange appeal his extradition to the US? A British court will decide. - Columbia Journalism Review 

Assange waits for outcome of last-ditch bid against US extradition - Press Gazette

Whistleblowers are key in holding the powerful accountable for their actions - Free Assange News 

Deputy General of IFJ , Tim Dawson addressing the crowds this morning at day two of Julian's appeal hearing - Free Assange News

IFJ declares February 26 International Day for Palestinian Journalists - The Jordan Times

The Tug of War Over Media Ethics in Malaysia: Government Intervention Sparks Debate - BNN Breaking

Julian Assange’s Wife Addresses Crowd Outside Court As Wikileaks Founder’s Extradition Appeal Begins - Mediaite

Assange begins final push for freedom - The Cradle

Julian Assange Faces Final Appeal of Order Seeking His Extradition to America To Face Espionage Charges - The New York Sun

“For journalism to live in Gaza” – appeal by RSF and IFJ from Arab World Institute in Paris - RSF

75% of all journalists killed across the world in 2023 were killed in Israeli war on Gaza, says CPJ - Peoples Dispatch

Over 75% of all journalists killed in 2023 died in Gaza war, per CPJ - ICIJ

Corruption Across Africa Is Silencing Newsrooms — Here's What We Can Do About It. - Global Citizen

UK court to consider WikiLeaks founder’s last-ditch bid to fight US extradition - Press TV

Journalist Unions Urge US to Release Assange Globally - Mirage News

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange: Will he be extradited? - DW

The fate of the free press is in your hands: join the Assange protest next week - Morning Star 

'Free Assange' protest outside US Embassy on Tuesday - The Brussels Time

'Strong arguments': Assange's family remains hopeful as crucial UK court hearing looms - Crikey

French journalist ‘forced’ to leave India after ‘malicious’ reporting notice - La Prensa Latina


Soledad Gallego-Díaz: Por qué necesitamos a Julian Assange libre - El País

Periodistas del mundo entero instan a EEUU a retirar los cargos presentados contra Assange | Diario Digital Nuestro País - El País 

Assange, a las puertas de la extradición a EEUU: la libertad de información en manos de la Justicia británica - Diario Público 

¿Cómo la defensa de Julian Assange intentará evitar su extradición? - Prensa Latina - Prensa Latina 

¿Será extraditado Julian Assange? - DW

Stella Assange: "Si Julian Assange es extraditado a EEUU no sabemos si lo volveremos a ver más" - InfoLibre

RSF y FIP exigen el fin de la masacre de periodistas en Gaza - López-Dóriga Digital

Empeora la situación humanitaria en Gaza mientras Israel planifica una ofensiva contra Rafah - TRT

Para que el periodismo viva en Gaza - News ES Euro

Miles de personas en todo el mundo piden la liberación de Julian Assange - Timis Local News


Julian Assange bientôt extradé aux États-Unis : « Le message envoyé aux journalistes est extrêmement préoccupant » - L’Humanité

Des centaines de manifestants en France en soutien à Julian Assange - Le Figaro

A Paris, rassemblement de soutien au fondateur de WikiLeaks : «Julian Assange est un des nôtres, son combat est le nôtre» - Libération

Journée internationale de solidarité avec les journalistes palestiniens - Kapitalis 

Stella Assange : "Il existe une crainte réelle et fondée que Julian Assange soit assassiné" - Radio France

Depuis Paris, des ONG lancent un appel «pour que le journalisme vive à Gaza» - Arab News FR

Ville de Bruxelles : une manifestation aura lieu mardi pour la libération de Julien Assange - BX1

Plusieurs centaines de manifestants en France en soutien à Julian Assange - News Day FR

Manifestation à Bruxelles mardi pour la libération de Julian Assange : « Cette audience constitue une étape très importante » - SudInfo

“Pour que vive le Journalisme à Gaza” : L’appel de RSF et de la FIJ - Matin Libr

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