IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 16 and 23 July 2021.

Credit: IFJ


Global targeting of journalists with state spyware revealed by international investigation, Press Gazette

It’s Time for Georgia to Choose Its Future, The Moscow Times

Belarus authorities move to shut top journalist association, The Seattle Times

Canada getting a new refugee stream for journalists and people who defend human rights, CBC

Pegasus used to target 180 journalists: IFJ, Kashmir Reader

Why tracking journalists using GPS during the Tokyo Olympics is an invasion of privacy, The Bridge

Report: Women Visibility in Media Increased by 1% in Five Years, ChimpReports

Twitter’s Verification Process Is As Opaque As Before – My Experience As A Journalist, Forbes

IFJ Decries Brutal Attack On Local Reporter In Bangladesh, UrduPoint

IFJ Lauds Appeal To US To Grant Humanitarian Aid, Asylum To Afghan Journalist, UrduPoint

World Urged To React ‘Vigorously’ To Belarus Closing Main Journalists’ Association, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

Pegasus software: NUJ calls for robust regulations after report finds journalists across the world have been spied on, The Morning Star


Espionnés par le Maroc, des médias français déposent plainte, Ouest-France

Le Canada accueillera des réfugiés qui défendent les droits de la personne, Radio-Canada

Pegasus : Espionnés par le Maroc, des médias français déposent plainte, La Libre

Espionnage de journalistes et d’opposants : l’affaire « Pegasus » provoque l’indignation, Le Monde


DDHH. – Amnistía y FIP denuncian el uso del software israelí Pegasus para “atacar” a periodistas y piden respetar los DDHH, Notimérica

La FIP condena los casos de espionaje a periodistas con el software Pegasus, swissinfo.ch

México. – La FAPE exige “justicia efectiva” para el último periodista asesinado en México, Notimérica

Grupo armado asesina a Abraham Mendoza, otro periodista en México #Michoacán, Billie Parker Noticias

‘Pegasus’, “el arma preferida de los gobiernos represivos”: Amnistía, Aristegui Noticias

El escándalo por el espionaje crece mientras los gobiernos niegan implicación, EFE Noticias

Espionaje a periodistas y opositores: el caso “Pegasus” provoca indignación, Noticias del Sáhara

La visibilidad de las mujeres en las noticias solo progresa ligeramente, Periodistas en Español

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