Following the United Kingdom’s decision to extradite Julian Assange to face trial in the United States, the International Federation of Journalists’…

At least 10 local and international news organisations have been barred from covering the inauguration of incoming Chief Secretary John Lee and other…

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La ministra del Interior del Reino Unido, Priti Patel, ha aceptado la petición del gobierno de Estados Unidos de extraditar al editor de Wikileaks,…

El amedrentamiento a la prensa con herramientas jurídicas es una estrategia de disuasión, desgaste y censura que utilizan tanto los estados como las…

One journalist is missing, and two others have been arrested by Taliban authorities since the beginning of June amid mounting attacks on…

Two working journalists and nine student journalists were arrested and charged with ‘malicious mischief and illegal assembly’ in Central Luzon on June…

UPDATED 16.06.22 Turkish police arrested 21 Kurdish journalists and media workers in a massive operation in the Kurdish-majority southeastern province…

Delegates attending the International Labour Conference (ILC) adopted a resolution to add the principle of a safe and healthy working environment to…

En el Día Nacional de la Libertad de Prensa, los periodistas obtuvieron una victoria histórica contra el presidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro. En…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

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Los medios de comunicación están muy lejos de proporcionar una cobertura acorde con la gravedad de la crisis climática, mientras que los/as…

The Journalists’ Solidarity Centers, which the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, with the support of the International and European…

In a continued slate of attacks against Afghan media, journalist Reza Shahir was beaten by Taliban militants for a second time on June 3 and three…

DBC News journalist Abdul Bari was found deceased at the bank of Hatirjheel lake in the Gulshan area of Dhaka on June 8. The International Federation…

Twenty three international media freedom, freedom of expression and journalists’ organisations, including the IFJ, today called for the immediate…

El periodista británico Dom Phillips, colaborador habitual del periódico The Guardian, ha sido reportado como desaparecido en una zona remota de la…