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Freelancers’ rights

Freelance journalism is no longer an "atypical" form of work. In some countries the majority of journalists are freelances.

While many freelances appreciate the freedom, variety and flexibility of independent employment, many are journalists who would prefer traditional employment but are forced in to fake freelance positions and denied a contract by employers who break local rules on employment, avoiding welfare and social charges.

These employers rob journalists of rights, pay, pensions and benefits. The increasing precarity of work in many parts of the world is undermining journalism and impoverishing journalists.

In some countries the law even makes it impossible for freelancers to join a union.

But journalists unions are fighting back – helping freelance and workers denied contracts to get organised and raise a collective voice for better terms and conditions.

Contracts and fees, training, gender equality, authors' rights, and professional standards are all key issues for the freelance community of journalists.

The IFJ works with its affiliates to