News and Press Releases

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) is to report incidents of violence against journalists and videographers covering the Euro 21 football final…

Juliana Dal Piva denunció que Frederick Wassef, abogado de la familia del presidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro, la amenazó luego de que saliera al aire…

El comunicador ya había denunciado amenazas en repetidas ocasiones, producto de sus investigaciones sobre corrupción dentro del sistema penitenciario…

Durante la jornada de ayer, dos fotógrafos que se hallaban realizando la cobertura del cortejo fúnebre de una reconocida defensora de los derechos…

El pasado 18 de junio, las autoridades detuvieron a dos personas que habrían sido los autores materiales del ataque al comunicador, que falleció el 28…

Palestinian security forces have repeatedly attacked and harassed journalists covering recent anti-government demonstrations across the West Bank. The…

Durante las jornadas de protesta que se llevaron adelante este martes, las trabajadoras de prensa Katy Sánchez y Alexandra Molina de RCN Radio fueron…

Police arrested former senior editorial writer Fung Wai-kong, who worked for the recently shutdown pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily at Hong Kong…

The COVID-19 pandemic has been an uncertain time for early-career journalists as many media stopped their activity, put their internships and…

The Reuters Digital News Report 2021 has revealed that public’s trust in news has risen sharply during the Covid-19 pandemic and that younger…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) conducted two online workshops for lawyers from Burundi, Mexico, Sri Lanka and Yemen on the…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is joining forces with the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland, the BBC World…

The Hong Kong edition of Apple Daily, published by the Hong Kong-based Next Digital media group, will print its last paper on June 24. The…

Saúl Tijerina Rentería fue encontrado muerto el martes luego de permanecer unas horas desaparecido. Los motivos de su muerte aun se investigan pero…

La Federación Nacional de Periodistas (FENAJ) y el Sindicato de Periodistas Profesionales del Distrito Federal (SJPDF) denunciaron que Víctor Ribeiro…

The Tehran Province Journalists’ Association approved a name change and increased its scope of activity to become the "National Association of…