News and Press Releases

Women trade union leaders and activists from all over the world met for the third and last webinar to address the effects of COVID-19 on women workers…

Journalist Mohamed Mounir was detained on June 15 on charges of "spreading fake news", a widespread practice of the Egyptian government to silence…

A special aid package to protect journalists wages and support struggling media is to be introduced in North Macedonia thanks to the efforts of the…

The Federation of African Journalists (FAJ), the Pan–African Organisation of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has launched today a…

The Sudanese authorities crackdown on media, unions and journalists has escalated during the Covid-19 pandemic, with tightening state control over…

Hong Kong citizens defied a police ban to mark the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre as the city’s legislature passed a law criminalising…

During the Covid-19 crisis, the Union of Journalists in Finland has concentrated on supporting members with advice on how to manage during the crisis…

Ukrainian journalists are facing multiple problems due to the coronavirus pandemic, a situation that is being addressed by the National Union of…

The Department of Health’s Bureau of Quarantine has released a directive which prohibits overseas Filipino workers who are quarantined from granting…

The Sakal Media Group announced plans to close two of its publications leaving at least 45 editorial staff and non-editorial staff unemployed. The…

A journalist from one of Indonesia’s largest digital media companies, DetikCom received death threats following their coverage of Indonesian president…

La presse suisse romande subit de plein fouet les conséquences du coronavirus. Deux hebdomadaires, Le Micro et le Régional, vont définitivement…

Emily Maitlis was replaced as host of the BBC's Newsnight programme after bosses reprimanded her over her introduction to the previous night's show in…

A Karen state court sentenced Zaw Ye Htet, the chief editor of online news agency Dae Pyaw to two years in prison for an article alleging there had…

Kolkata-based English daily The Telegraph announced the shutdown of its Guwahati edition, asking staff to resign by May 31, citing the economic…

Beijing’s intention to pass new Hong Kong national security laws sparked demonstrations beginning on May 22, potentially jeopardising the future of…