La FIJ a organisé une formation en matière de sécurité pour les journalistes syriens en Turquie

[Translate to French:] SJA

La Fédérations internationale des journalistes (la FIJ) a organisé sa première formation de trois jours en matière de sécurité pour les journalistes syriens en Turquie.  La formation a eu lieu à Gaziantep du 17 au 19 avril et a réuni un groupe de 20 journalistes, caméramans et photographes qui venaient de Gaziantep, Antioche, Othmanie et Mersin. La formation a été organisée en collaboration avec l’Association des journalistes syriens (SJA).
“Through this training we demonstrate our solidarity with all our colleagues, journalists and media practitioners in Syria in these difficult times their country is facing,” said IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger. 
The training aims to help participants acquire important knowledge to help them keep working more safely while covering the conflict. The training includes practical advice and tips to take into account in order to reduce risks and threats, and be aware of all kind of issues and dangers in the field.
Participants received specialised training on planning, personal safety, risk management, safety procedures and first aid. They also received the IFJ safety handbook in Arabic.
“The Syrian journalists have been targeted and killed for so long and this training is designed to help them to better take care of themselves. Beyond the physical safety, building professional solidarity within the Syrian journalists community is a key priority for us as well,” added Bellanger. 
The IFJ’s safety trainer stressed the importance of trainees sharing their knowledge with their colleagues to ensure that proper safety procedures are implemented at their work.
The training was organised four weeks after a similar safety training for 25 journalists in Damascus run by the IFJ in cooperation with UNESCO.

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