IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period from 6 April to 12 April 2024.

Credit: IFJ


Uniting to advocate for the UN recommendations, fight fake news and promote peace education - Education International

TRT crew seriously injured in Israeli attack in Gaza's Nuseirat camp - TRT

Biden says US 'considering' dropping charges against Julian Assange - LBC

Journalists' federations seek immediate probe into attack on justice Afghan journalist in Pakistan - Amu TV

Afghan journalist shot by armed men in Pakistan- India Blooms 

US President Considers Dropping Charges Against Julian Assange - Head Topics

Assange marks five years in British prison - Azerbaijan24

Maldives: Critical websites blocked while journalists, civil society continue to face challenges - Monitor Civicus 

Iran International Host Resumes Program After Stabbing Attack - Iran International 


Guerra en Gaza: 4 cifras que muestran el devastador impacto del conflicto 6 meses después de su inicio - BBC News Mundo

Siria: La JUS denuncia 74 violaciones de los derechos de los medios de comunicación en 2023 - El Digital Panamá 

Hambruna, destrucción y muerte: el balance tras 6 meses del inicio de la guerra entre Israel y Hamás - El Tiempo Latino

La FIP reivindica espacios digitales inclusivos en la Comisión sobre la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de la ONU - Periodistas de Aragón

La lucha del Frente Polisario protagoniza una exposición en el Parlamento de Cantabria - El Faradio


Six mois de guerre Israël-Gaza : les chiffres dramatiques d’une guerre aux multiples visages - RTBF

Assange fête ses cinq ans de prison britannique - News 24.fr 

4 chiffres montrant l'impact dévastateur de la guerre à Gaza 6 mois après son déclenchement - BBC Afrique

Entreprises, droits humains et environnement : des nouvelles du projet Vigilance au Bénin, Togo et Sénégal - Sherpa

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