Dos ex policías de Veracruz fueron sentenciados a 25 años de prisión por el asesinato del periodista Moisés Sánchez, ocurrido en enero del 2015.…

The IFJ has called for urgent action to address the ongoing crisis facing Yemeni journalists.

La voz de los sindicatos de periodistas se escuchó en la 62 sesión de la Comisión Jurídica y Social de la Mujer de Naciones Unidas (CSW62). Este año,…

Pakistani journalist, Zeeshan Ashraf Butt became the second journalist killed in Pakistan this year, when he was shot dead on March 27. The…

A provincial journalist was detained for hours and threatened by the Sri Lankan military for taking photos and filming video of a public protest at…

Sandeep Sharma and Naveen Nishchal were both killed in separate vehicle incidents in India on Monday, March 26. The International Federation of…

Since September 2017, human rights activist Zhen Jianghua has been in police detention and his lawyer Ren Quanniu has been denied access to his…

The Malaysian Government tabled an ‘Anti-Fake News’ bill in parliament on Monday, March 26, ahead of general elections that are to be held in the…

El fotoperiodista freelance Vladjimir Legagneur se encuentra desaparecido desde el 14 de marzo pasado cuando estaba realizando un reportaje en Grand…

Delhi police assaulted two women journalists and snatched away the camera of one while they were covering the demonstration organized by students and…

Un grupo de periodistas que trabajan en la Agencia de Noticias del Estado Télam, serán sancionadas por el Directorio tras participar del Paro…

A journalist was attacked by a political leader in Cape Town, South Africa on 20 March while covering a story outside the parliament. The…

The IFJ has welcomed calls by United Nations Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk that freedom of the media and the rights of journalists must be respected…

Following a spate of attacks on journalists and their equipment in Iraq over the past few days, the IFJ and its affiliate the Kurdistan Journalists…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) today teamed up with the National Union of…