Australia’s Federal Court rejected the case put forward by Australia’s national broadcaster, the ABC challenging the legality of police warrants used…

Chen Qiushi, an outspoken Chinese lawyer and citizen journalist, has been missing since February 7, after telling family he planned to visit Wuhan’s…

The Philippines’ Solicitor General filed a petition with the Supreme Court to revoke the license of the Philippine’s largest broadcasting network…

L'Agence de Presse Sénégalaise (APS) a suspendu à compter du 2 février le Secrétaire général du Syndicat des professionnels de l'information et de la…

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas y la FEPALC publican una carta abierta para condenar esta situación de persecución y violencia contra los…

Dr Li Wenliang, who was silenced by the Chinese authorities for warning people about the coronavirus, died from the illness on February 7 at the age…

Several news outlets from Hong Kong, including the BBC, Epoch Times, Radio Free Asia (RFA) and Voice of America (VOA) express concerns over…

Cambodia’s Appeal Court on January 28 dismissed an appeal by two former Radio Free Asia (RFA) journalists’ against alleged espionage charges. The…

Journalists called on Sri Lanka’s government to take meaningful action to investigate journalist killings and disappearances on the annual ‘Black…

Digital media workers in North Macedonia have won a groundbreaking new charter for decent work and model fair work contracts, thanks to a campaign…

Journalists in Pakistan are facing a widespread crisis of unpaid salaries, causing financial instability, trauma and stress-related deaths in the…

El pasado miércoles 22 de enero, el grupo mediático El Mercurio retomó su plan de despidos, ahora desvinculando a 50 trabajadorxs de sus distintos…

The National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) and press freedom advocates are calling on the Philippines Congress to support the…

The Anti-Terrorism Court of Pakistan convicted journalist Nasrullah Chaudhry for allegedly possessing banned literature and spreading religious…

Taiwan’s election result on January 11 delivered stronger hopes for press freedom and media independence in the country after incumbent Tsai Ing-wen…

While Hong Kong’s protests continued, so too did the attacks on journalists and press freedoms in late December and early January. The International…