La FIJ se félicite de la création du Conseil de la presse indépendante en Tunisie

[Translate to French:] Tunisian National Union of Journalists (SNJT)

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (la FIJ) s’est félicitée de la mise en place d’un Conseil de la presse indépendante en Tunisie qui aidera à inverser la tendance à la dégradation de la liberté de la presse dans le pays.  Les efforts de l’affilié de la FIJ, le Syndicat national des journalistes tunisiens (le SNJT), ont été essentiels pour établir le Conseil qui, selon le SNJT, aidera à promouvoir le journalisme de qualité. Le travail du Conseil a été officiellement lancé le 20 avril.
"This is a historic day, not just for journalists (...) but also for Tunisian democracy and freedom of expression in general," said SNJT President Néji Bghouri.
The Self-Regulatory Council, which has been in the making for several years, will be responsible for drafting a code of ethics. 
The launch came as concerns have grown over challenges to ethical journalism in a number of media.  
"We receive numerous complaints from the public about violations committed by the media and the press, in particular for regionalism (...) or racism," Bghouri said.
Many Tunisians believe that some media have become tools "to settle accounts, slander, propagate false information and sometimes to spread speeches of violence and hatred," he warned.
The new council will seek to educate media in ethics and its new code but will also have a range of tools to address breaches of the code – including warnings and ultimately having the power to remove the professional (press) card from journalists who violate the ethical principles.
IFJ General Secretary Anthony Bellanger said: “Journalists unions have been leading the fight for ethics and press freedom for generations, the SNJT is showing that unions are still at the heart of this battle”.

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