Security officials barred private media journalists from covering an official event held in Chinhoyi city on 12 June that the president Emmerson…

A special aid package to protect journalists wages and support struggling media is to be introduced in North Macedonia thanks to the efforts of the…

La Fédération des journalistes africains (FAJ), l'organisation panafricaine de la Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ), a publié ce mardi…

The Sudanese authorities crackdown on media, unions and journalists has escalated during the Covid-19 pandemic, with tightening state control over…

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette management removed two prominent Black journalists from covering anti-racism protests sweeping the USA following the…

During the Covid-19 crisis, the Union of Journalists in Finland has concentrated on supporting members with advice on how to manage during the crisis…

The Portuguese Journalists' Union (SJ) has strengthened its call on the government for increased support for the media sector and denounced the fact…

La revista Semana denunció en una investigación al Ejército Colombiano por interferir computadoras y teléfonos de periodistas que reportaban sobre el…

The Uganda Journalists Union is threatening legal action to fight pay cuts of up to 60% imposed on journalists by New Vision Publishing.

Six companies representing 18 media outlets in the country were reported to the Ministry of Labor for practices on the sidelines of Covid-19 for a…

Russian President Putin signed into law a controversial amendment to the Administrative Violation Code on December 16, which will allow for…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and the South Asia Media Solidarity Network (SAMSN) reaffirm their commitments to build stronger…

Plus de 850 journalistes, photographes, responsables de médias et représentants de journalistes signent une tribune contre la décision de Google qui…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

Los Angeles Times Guild secured yesterday the first collective agreement in the title's history that will provide immediate pay rises and measures to…

On t'a dit que travailler dans un média numérique c'est toujours précaire... C'EST FAUX!