Following the fraudulent presidential election in Belarus on 9 August 2020, journalists have faced hundreds of arrests and detentions. The…

An executive of Pakistani broadcaster ARY News was arrested on sedition charges on August 10, with several more media workers named in First…

WION news correspondent, Anas Mallick, and his crew were abducted and assaulted while covering a story in Kabul to mark the one-year anniversary of…

Tras 20 días en cautiverio, el comunicador fue puesto en libertad por sus captores, quienes lo habían secuestrado el 17 de julio pasado junto a otras…

En mayo de este año, un grupo de mujeres periodistas de Canal 9 habían denunciado a un superior por acoso sexual y habían alertado del carácter…

Journalists in Palestine will join a sit-in organised by Labour unions to demand improved social conditions for media workers. In a joint statement…

Víctor Hugo Quijada Tacuri, ex candidato por el Partido Nacionalista del Perú acusado de acoso y chantaje sexual, denunció nuevamente a la periodista…

El comunicador Ernesto Méndez falleció el 2 de agosto en Guanajuato luego de que un grupo armado irrumpiera en el bar en el que se encontraba, que era…

After a series of British journalists, Russia has banned, on Monday morning, the Danish public television correspondent in Moscow, Matilde Kimer. The…

Working journalists in Myanmar continue to face growing security and safety threats, with one journalist imprisoned and another detained on July 29…

The Government of the Solomon Islands has ordered the national radio and television broadcaster, the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC),…

La Fédération internationale des journalistes (FIJ) et l'Union de la presse francophone (UPF) ont lancé le 27 juillet un Prix pour le courage et…

Calls for a ban on the BBC by the Somaliland authorities to be lifted have increased, amid accusations that the silencing of the broadcaster is part…

The South East Asia Journalists Unions (SEAJU) has strongly condemned the Myanmar military junta’s execution of four pro-democracy activists and the…

The Indonesian government will begin blocking private electronic systems operators that fail to register their platforms by July 27, despite concerns…

Taliban officials threatened and forced Australian journalist Lynne O’Donnell to publicly retract several articles during the journalist’s visit to…