#JeSuisCharlie: Solidarity messages from Asia Pacific affiliates

The International Federation of Journalists, Asia Pacific is moved by the solidarity messages from across the region offering support and condolences to the Charlie Hebdo colleagues and condemning the brutal attack suffered on January 7 in Paris. The list in process below includes sincere tributes from journalist associations, unions and press freedom groups from across the Asia Pacific region, for the victims, their families and France.  Afghan Independent Journalists Association AIJA members are profoundly saddened hearing this shocking news. AIJA leadership and members across Afghanistan want to present sincere condolences to French colleagues' families and friends. We stronly condemn this massive killing and want justice for the victims. We are with the victims' families and IFJ and joining all kinds condolences and solidarity efforts.  All Indian Newspaper Employees Federation, India The All India News papers Employees Federation (AINEF)  in a statement  from New Delhi  today -joined the international community in condemning the killings of media personnel at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

They expressed profound shock at this ‘unprecedented heinous attack on the media in Paris directed at French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

The statement issued in Delhi from the headquarters by AINEF Vice President Mr.S.K.Pande  said the brutal killings are a direct attack on the right to free expression and a free media. At the same time  we do not in any way support the right to publish matter that hurts religious sentiments. The two bodies also cautioned against this incident being utilized to inflame passions.  

However, the statement added:’ We would also like to point out that this is not an isolated incident. Journalists have been at the receiving end in all types of conflicts around the world. Recently, they have been targeted and killed by the ISIS in Iraq and elsewhere. Scores of journalists covering the conflict in Syria have also  been killed.

The statement expresses its heartfelt condolences to the families of those killed. It also expresses its solidarity with the protests world wide being planned by journalists against these killings.

Alliance of Independent Journalists, Indonesia (AJI) We express our deep condolence to those who have lost their lives in this barbaric act. We fully condemned the attack. This is an alarming message over the freedom of expression, not only in France, but also in all over the world,” The President of AJI Indonesia, Suwarjono said in Jakarta.AJI Indonesia, together with the civil society group all over the world, refuse to bend on all kinds of violence and terror. “The freedom of expression could only be stood up if each of us refuse to bend on terror. If we lose our freedom of expression, it will be the beginning of our lose to basic human right. The freedom of expression, the freedom of speech, and the freedom of press are the frontline of the human rights,” Suwarjono added. AJI Indonesia urges to all individual, press, and civil society to commit the freedom of expression and honor freedom and basic human right, including the freedom of religion. “We also reject the act of violence in order to express the freedom of speech. The speech must be delivered peacefully and without violence. The satire way of Charlie Hebdo could not lead to justification for attacking the magazine brutally,” Suwarjono said.AJI Indonesia believes that all differences in opinion as a result of freedom of speech should be challenged by another argumentation or opinion, not by violence. “AJI Indonesia fully encourages improvement of the law system in Indonesia by eliminating the act of criminalization over freedom of expression and freedom of press in Indonesia,” Suwarjono said.Asahi Shimbun Union - Asahi Shimbun Roso Again dirty muzzles were directed against speech. On January 7, French weekly newspaper "Sharuri-Ebudo" company was attacked by someone that was armed. The precious lives of issuer, reporters, and satirical cartoonists, 12 people, were taken. We are not tolerant of violence to speech and expression by any means. We condemn the criminal resolutely. Sharing the pain and sorrow, we call for solidarity to all the fellow working in media. According to reports, the criminals wearing a Balaclava continued to fire at random about 5 minutes in the edit section. May 3 1987, we remember the muzzle directed to us. That day, a man who also covered his face with Balaclava broke into The Asahi Shimbun Hanshin Bureau. He killed the two reporters in the shotgun and identified himself the "Sekihōtai," and claimed that "Hand down all of the death penalty in Asahi employees", "The anti-Japanese Asahi go back fifty years ago." Although the incident came to an unfortunately aging, we swore and never succumb to violence. We have inherited unbroken determination as "5-3 Meeting for Freedom of Speech". Mutually recognizing a variety of opinions and values and deepening the discussion is the most important foundation of a democratic society. We continue to protect speech, the freedom of expression. Association of Taiwan Journalists The Association of Taiwan Journalists joins in the condemnation of the terrorist attack against `Charlie Hebdo` in Paris in which over 10 of our journalist colleagues as well as at least one police officer assigned to protect Charlie Hebdo`s editorial offices were murdered. This attack is the worst assault on journalists since 32 colleagues were murdered in the Ampatuan Massacre on November 23, 2009, the perpetrators of which have yet to bear legal responsibility. It must be stressed that the use of violence, whether by individuals or by states, against journalists or any person exercising their right of free expression is NEVER justified. Unless checked, the culture of impunity, in which perpetrators of state or individual violence against journalists are rarely if ever brought to justice, will continue to generate more `Charlies` throughout Asia, including Taiwan, and undermine the foundations for freedom of thought in our societies. We therefore call on the French authorities to rapidly bring the perpetrators to justice and thereby  and strike a blow against the culture of impunity which threatens all journalists and citizens who exercise their rights of freedom of expression and thought and express our solidarity with colleagues in France and the rest of the world who dare to speak their diverse truths in the face of impunity.  Cambodian Association for the Protection of Journalists CAPJ condemns the brutal killing of French Journalists and urged all competent authorities to search and arrest the perpetrator to punish.”Delhi Union of Journalists The DUJ expresses profound shock at this unprecedented attack on the media which has shocked the entire world. The brutal killings are a direct attack on the right to free expression and a free media. At the same time the DUJ does not in any way support the right to publish matter that hurts religious sentiments. The DUJ also cautions against this incident being utilized to inflame passions.  However, the DUJ would also like to point out that this is not an isolated incident. Journalists have been at the receiving end in all types of conflicts around the world. Recently, they have been targeted and killed by the ISIS in Iraq and elsewhere. Scores of journalists covering the conflict in Syria have been killed.The DUJ conveys its heartfelt condolences to the families of those killed. It expresses its solidarity with the protests worldwide being planned by journalists against these killings.Farida Nekzad – Afghan journalist “I express my condolence to the family and friends of victims, God bless those who killed in this anti-terror attack, and I wish soon recovery for those get injured. I hope the year 2015 bring a unity and peace in all of the word and such kind incident be the first and last in the world and Paris. Freedom of expression and freedom of speech is the sole and life of Journalists without that they prefer to die.” Fédération des Journalistes Calédoniens Hébétés nous sommes.  Sonnés par tant de lâcheté.  Anéantis de ressentir ce vide intérieur. Cette absence définitive et insupportable des plus grands défenseurs de la liberté d'expression en France. Ils sont morts au combat. Le combat pour la liberté de la presse. Nous réaffirmons aujourd'hui l'attachement des journalistes à cette liberté. Liberté d'écrire. Liberté de ton. Liberté de s'exprimer et liberté de faire bouger les lignes. La liberté d'expression ne saurait se laisser intimider par les armes. Par des idéologies. Par des hommes qui ont perdu tout repère et tout sens de l'humanité. Aujourd'hui plus que jamais, nous devons continuer. Continuer de vivre.  Continuer d'aimer. Continuer de dessiner.  Continuer de rire.  Continuer d'être Charlie. We are stupefied.  Stunned by so much cowardice.  Devastated to feel this pain. This irrevocable and unbearable loss of several of the most important partisans of the freedom of expression in France. They died fighting, fighting for freedom of the press. Today, we reaffirm our attachment for this freedom. Freedom to write. Freedom to choose our tone. Freedom to express and freedom to shift position lines. This freedom of expression must not allow itself to be intimidated by weapons. By doctrines. By those men who lost their landmarks and the sense of humanity. Now, more than ever before, we have to continue. To keep living. To keep loving. To keep drawing. To keep laughing. To keep being Charlie. Federation of Nepali Journalists “FNJ expresses deep sadness and solidarity with the victims and their family and joins hand with press freedom organizations to condemn such brutal attack.” Free Media Movement, Sri Lanka “At every turn of event humankind has faced untold sufferings, and cruelty arising among its own ranks. We, journalists in Sri Lanka have lived the darkness of repression for many years, yet, this news created a massive wave of shock in our hearts. This is an attack on every messenger in the world. We salute all those colleagues for their bravery and we pledge to take their strength forward. As Free Media Movement of Sri Lainka we wish to give our heartfelt condolences to these colleagues’ families and friends. We have miles to go before we sleep.” Freedom Forum, Nepal  "The militant attack on free speech practitioners in French soil has hurt the sentiments of all those who have belief on people's right to freely deliver and disseminate ideas and expressions. The disgusting attack has spread a shockwave among the freedom of expression practitioners and activists from across the world. It is the reflection of attack on free speech throughout the planet.” Hong Kong Journalists Association對於法國雜誌《Charlie Hebdo》遭到槍手襲擊,造成 12人死亡,香港記者協會對此表示極度震驚及憤怒,強烈譴責有組織地以暴力對待新聞工作者,行為令人髮指,等同謀殺言論自由及新聞自由。雜誌《Charlie Hebdo》位於法國巴黎的總部昨日(1 7日)遭槍手襲擊,造成 12人死亡及多人受傷,死者包括新聞工作者。記協重申,任何形式的暴力威嚇都不能殺去新聞工作者的良知,也不能擊退聞界團結一致捍衛新聞自由及言論自由的決心。此外,記協對不幸遇襲的死者表示衷心哀悼,並向痛失至親的家人致以最深切的慰問。 HKJA reiterates that any form of threat, no matter how deadly, will not deter journalists and others in the fourth estate from defending the freedom of press and free speech as a whole. We are deeply grieved over the lives lost and extend our deepest condolences to the bereaved. Indian Journalists Union  In a statement issued here on Thursday, Indian Journalists Union (IJU) President S N Sinha, Secretary-General Devulapalli Amar said that the cartoons and cartoonists were usually irreverent of anybody standing on high pedestal and were meant to expose their follies and bring out their human frailties in to sharp focus and tell the people that they are also human beings. Those who were insensitive to the human nature feel offended by the cartoons, they said. By attacking and killing four cartoonists, the terrorists threw a challenge to the fourth estate which must be met with “we do not care and we cannot be intimidated” attitude and carry out task of freedom of expression with renewed vigor, the statement said. The IJU leaders called on the working journalists everywhere to come out in open and tell the extremist elements of all hues that their threats and terror acts would not deter them from their sacred mission.  The Indian Journalists Union (IJU) condoled the death of 12 persons including four cartoonists and pledged that the international working journalists professional and trade union movement would not allow their supreme sacrifice to go waste by standing up to the attackers and killers of freedom of expression. Japan Federation of Newspaper Workers’ Union, Shimbunroren フランスの風刺週刊紙、シャルリエブド本社が7日、自動小銃で武装した男に襲撃され、編集長ら計12人が命を奪われた。言論や表現活動に携わる私たちは、犠牲者に心から哀悼の意を表するとともに、卑劣な暴力による言論封殺の企みに、怒りをこめて強く抗議する。現地の報道では、イスラム教を題材にした風刺漫画の掲載へのテロ攻撃との見方が伝えられているが、いかなる理由があろうとも、民主主義社会において、威力や暴力で言論を屈服させる行為を許してはならない。国内でも1987年5月、朝日新聞阪神支局に散弾銃を持った男が侵入し、当時29歳の記者が射殺され、別の記者が重傷を負う事件が起きた。「赤報隊」を名乗る犯行声明は、朝日新聞の報道姿勢を批判する内容だった。 昨今の日本社会には、自由な言論や表現への暴力と不寛容が蔓延している。排外主義的な「ヘイトスピーチ」のデモや集会が各地で開かれ、過去に書いた記事を理由に元記者や家族への脅迫や中傷が繰り返されている。多様な意見や価値観を認め合い、議論を深めることは、民主主義社会のもっとも大切な基盤だ。お互いの主張に耳を傾け、言論には言論で応じる姿勢が失われれば、社会は閉塞感に覆われることになるだろう。 フランス国内だけでなく全世界で、多くの人々が追悼と抗議の声を上げている。私たちも志を同じくする人々と連帯して平和で安全な社会を目指し、言論・表現の自由を守り続ける決意を表明する。 We, Japan Federation of Newspaper Workers' Unions=Shimbunroren, seriously condemns over the attack on French satiric magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris on 7 January 2015. The three masked gunmen entered the office of Charlie Hebdo and killed 12 people including its editor, four cartoonists of the magazine and two police officers. This reminds us of the attack against The Hanshin bureau of the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper Company on May 3,1987.  The Asahi Shimbun Newspaper Company is the Japan's leading daily newspaper. In this case, a masked gunman entered the office of Hanshin bureau of The Asahi Shimbun Newspaper, shot and badly injured a journalist and killed another journalist. They were the members of our union. The perpetrator was never arrested as the statue of limitations was due in 2002. We express deep sorrow and solidarity with the victims and their family and with SNJ, SNJ-CGT,CFDT and IFJ to condemn such a brutal attack. Journalists Association of Bhutan  “The Journalists Association of Bhutan would like to join the IFJ in condemning the ruthless attacks on Charlie Hebdo. We are deeply shocked and saddened by such inhuman acts of violence and terror. We pray for the souls of the brave journalists at Charlie Hebdo and for the speedy recovery of those injured. Je Suis CHARLIE.” Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, Australia  Federal Secretary Christopher Warren condemned the shootings as an attack on freedom of expression and an attempt to undermine the ability of journalists around the world to be outspoken and fearless in their reportage and opinion. “It is critical that journalists have the freedom to push boundaries as we inform and entertain our communities,” “Over the past 12 months we have seen media workers around the globe attacked, killed, jailed, kidnapped in an effort to silence criticism and prevent important stories being told,” “Journalists must be free to hold truth to power – and this includes the freedom to do so through humour and satire – and that means being free from the threat of persecution and retribution for doing their job. “This attack is an attack on all journalists by those seeking to silence dissenting and critical voices in the media – je suis Charlie. “As such, we are inviting all media workers in Sydney and Melbourne to come together this afternoon to pay tribute to their fallen colleagues and to demonstrate the solidarity of our industry in the face of such a heinous act.” Mongolian National Broadcaster

“Since words cannot really express our feelings, at this time, me and my colleagues at MNB join me in sending their deepest condolences on this occasion. May God give the families of lost ones the strength to bear this sudden shock. We share your sorrow and pray for peace for the departed souls.”

National Union of Journalists, India  “We are shocked and strongly condemn it. This incident however, shows that there are several other hazards that media workers face in seeking fair and equal representation within the media in France. We call upon the French Government to ensure the safety of media workers in Paris and book the culprits who are behind this heinous crime and extend our support to griefed family.” Myanmar Journalists Association We, the journalists from the Myanmar Journalists Association, would like to express our deepest condolences to the journalists murdered in Paris recently. As always, we are resolutely against any use of force or violence against journalists.  National Union of Journalists, Nepal We, on behalf of NUJ Nepal, would like to pray to the God to pay tributes to  the departed soul of our colleagues along with 1 minute silence, in the heinous and outrageous attack on media, democracy and freedom of expression at Charlie Hebdo office in Paris. National Union of Journalists of the Philippines  The deaths of 12 persons, including journalists, on the attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo highlights how intolerance has become an increasingly deadly bane to freedom of expression and of the press. This is, sadly, true not only among those who hold to extremist views of whatever faith they believe in but even in countries that profess to respect and protect those freedoms. The attack on Charlie Hebdo, the targeted killings of journalists, which have claimed more than 170 lives in the Philippines since 1986, the worsening attempts to muzzle whistleblowers and reporters who bring to light corruption and the dark workings of state security, are all cut from the same mold. We acknowledge that there have been and will continue to be debates about the role journalistic responsibility – or lack of it – factors into such attacks on the freedom of the press. But while we acknowledge the indispensability of ethics in the profession, we also maintain that no mode of expression, however offensive or unethical it may be, deserves a death sentence. In the face of these, there can be really only one response – to fight back by continuing to express ourselves freely despite our fears. Today, let us all proclaim, JE SUIS CHARLIE! Nepal Press Union फ्रान्सको राजधानी पेरिसबाट प्रकाशित हुने साप्ताहिक व्यङ्ग्यात्मक पत्रिका चार्ली हेब्दोको कार्यालयमा २०७१ पुस २३ गते बुधवार गरिएको आतंकवादी आक्रमणमा परि सो पत्रिकामा कार्यरत प्रधान सम्पादक र पत्रकारहरुसहित १२ जनाले ज्यान गुमाएको खबरले नेपाल प्रेस युनियन स्तब्ध र मर्माहत भएको छ। प्रेस तथा अभिव्यक्तिको स्वतन्त्रताको उच्चतम अभ्यास गर्दै आएको फ्रान्सको सञ्चारमाध्यम र सञ्चारकर्मीहरुमाथि ज्यानै लिनेगरि भएको आतंककारी आक्रमण स्वतन्त्र प्रेस माथिको निर्लज्ज आक्रमण रहेको युनियनको ठहर छ। स्वतन्त्र प्रेस, अभिव्यक्ति स्वतन्त्रता र सम्पादकीय स्वतन्त्रताको वकालत गर्ने नेपाल प्रेस युनियनले फ्रान्समा भएको यस त्रासदीपूर्ण र बर्बर घटनालाई स्वतन्त्र प्रेस, अभिव्यक्ति स्वतन्त्रता र सम्पादकीय स्वतन्त्रता माथिको आक्रमणको रुपमा लिएको छ। फ्रान्सेली पत्रकारमाथि भएको बर्बर आक्रमणको जति निन्दा गरेपनि कमै हुन्छ। युनियन यस कायरतापूर्ण कार्यको कडा शब्दमा भत्सर्ना गर्दै प्रेस तथा अभिव्यक्तिको स्वतन्त्रतामाथि आक्रमण गर्नेहरुलाई कानुनी कठघरामा ल्याई कडा कार्वाही गर्न फ्रान्सेली सरकारसँग माग गर्दछ। आक्रमणमा परि ज्यान गुमाएका पत्रकारहरुप्रति श्रद्धाञ्जली अर्पण गर्दै युनियन यस शोकको घडीमा फ्रान्सेली पत्रकारहरुसँग ऐक्यवद्धता जनाउँछ। साथै शोकसन्तप्त परिवारजनप्रति युनियन गहिरो समवेदन प्रकट गर्दछ। Nepal Press Union is saddened by the news. There are no words to condemn the attack. NPU believes that this is a barbaric attack on the newspaper and journalists praticing freedom of expression. NPU has taken the incident as an attack on press freedom, freedom of expression and editorial independence. NPU strongly condemn the attack and demand that the attackers are brought to justice. NPU expresses condolences to the families of slain journalists; solidarity with French journalists. New Zealand Amalgamated Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union (EPMU) The union for New Zealand journalists stands in solidarity with the victims of the attack on Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris. "We condemn the use of violence to intimidate and silence journalists, whether they are reporters, photographers or cartoonists," says Paul Tolich, EPMU industry organiser for the print and media industry.A free press is a cornerstone of democracy and satire has always played an important role. We must not tolerate threats to the independence and freedom of the media. Our thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims at this terrible time." The EPMU is an affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists and supports the IFJ's condemnation of the attacks. Timor-Leste Journalists Association Timor-Leste Journalists Association (TLJA) condemned the inhumane act of the terrorists that killed the cartoonists and journalists at Charlie Hedbo. TLJA extend our solidarity to the Charlie Hedbo journalists and cartoonists and their families. TLJA shared their sorrows but also urge the authority in France to bring the suspect to be trail so can be a message for those who attempt to stop the freedom of expression and freedom of the press in the world. Vanuatu Media Association The Vanuatu Media Association have joined our brothers and sisters from the media around the world in condemning what had happened to our media friends in Paris, during the attack against Charlie Hebdo.  We share our condolences and tributes to those who had lost their lives unexpectedly. We pray that God's peace and comfort will be with their respective families.  Media Asociation blong Vanuatu (MAV) strongly condemn what had happened and we pray that French justice will get those culprits and bring them to face justice.