IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is mentioned. Check all the international media coverage of IFJ, divided by language, in the period between 29 January and 5 February, 2021


IFJ criticises China's move to ban self-publishing by journalists, censor online content (THE WIRE)

International Federation of Journalists condemns press freedom violations in Myanmar (UNITED NEWS OF INDIA)

International Federation of Journalists condemns Pakistan SC's decision to release Pearl's murder accused (UNITED NEWS OF INDIA)

Crackdown on Ukraine's three TV Channels is attack against freedom of speech, - National Union of Journalists (112 UKRAINE)

NUJU chairman reacts to blocking of Medvedchuk's channels (UKRINFORM)

New year in Asia-Pacific: Crackdown, state of emergency, and harsh prison convictions (IFEX)


Déclaration commune en soutien à Erol Önderoğlu et ses deux co-accusés, qui risquent 14 ans de prison (IFEX)

Attaques contre les journalistes, un systeme de surveillance mis en place (SENEPLUS MÉDIAS)

L'Union africaine lance un site web pour la protection des journalistes (VOICE OF AMERICA)


El Sindicato de Periodistas de Andalucía convoca el XIV Premio Internacional de Periodismo Julio Anguita Parrado (EL DÍA DE CÓRDOBA)

Periodismo en Túnez: Islam Al-Hakiri víctima de violencia policial (PERIODISTAS EN ESPAÑOL)

Federación de Asociaciones de Periodistas de España rechaza asesinato de Efraín Ruales (METRO ECUADOR)

Cómo el presidente de Ucrania cerró tres importantes canales de oposición y Occidente 'se olvidó' de defender la libertad de expresión (RT EN ESPAÑOL)

Informe revela la caja de herramientas de Beijing para exportar narrativa autoritaria (NOTICIAS POR EL MUNDO)

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