IFJ-SNJT workshop on collective agreement held in Tunisia

The IFJ organised in collaboration with the SNJT a two-day workshop on collective agreements for members of the Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT)'s executive committee and branch leaders on 2-3 November.

14 participants including 8 women journalists attended the workshop.

The workshop was moderated by the international negotiation trainer Arne Konig and focused on the following points:

- Reasons for a collective agreement (CA)

- Current situation on CA for SNJT

- Preparing for a CA

- Counseling with members and local and regional branches.

- Setting goals for negotiations.

- Preparing information systems for members, employers, other unions, the public

- Negotiations: build a negotiating team, defining the mandate of the negotiators, ethics, the way to conduct the talks.

- Role play on: convincing an employer to adopt a collective agreement, convincing employers of a separate agreement on professional standards for journalists, and finally convincing the employers of a regulation in a CA that is specifically important.

For more information, please contact IFJ on + 32 2 235 22 16

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