Greece: Austerity Measures Must not Lead to Poverty Says EFJ

Today the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) the European group of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) expressed its concerns over adoption of new austerity measures in Greece.

"As Greek politicians voted over the austerity measures in the country and over the future of millions of workers, we supported strikers, media workers and journalists who defend their social rights", said EFJ President Arne König."We are now worried that these measures will reinforce poverty and precarious work among the profession".

A general strike started at midnight on Tuesday and some protesters clashed with police during protest. Yesterday the Greek Parliament voted on a new series of austerity plan and on a draft law on its implementation with a short majority of 155 votes in favor and 138 against.  Greece is now supposed to get the fifth tranche of the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bail-out.

Enforcing austerity measures must by no means conclude to a full deregulation of working conditions, says the EFJ. Media have been seriously affected by the austerity measures and some young working journalists are literally at the verge of poverty. Instead, media and journalism need investment to carry out the role of information for the public, in particular in times of crisis, if the profession wants to be trusted and respected.

For more information, please contact EFJ on + 32 2 235 22 00
The EFJ represents more than 250.000 members in over 30 countries