EFJ AGM 2000: 5. European Works Council Expert Group and Freelances' Rights

European Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
Adopted by the EFJ AGM held in Nuremberg, Germany, May 26-28, 2000

5. European Works Council Expert Group and Freelances' Rights
From the EFJ Central European Group

The EFJ-AGM recommends the European Works Councils Expert Group (EWC Expert Group) to consider the question and to make proposals, how freelances' rights and interests can be represented by works councils of media companies.

Considering that staff journalists as well as freelance journalists have the same role delivering reliable information to the public and being the watchdog for society, the participants of the last Central European Group meeting (EFJ member unions from Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovenia and Switzerland) were convinced that interests and right of these journalists should have the same support at company level, independent of their status. This is considered as a guarantee for quality of work.