EVENT ALERT: IFJ and FNJ launch Without a Trace

Every time a journalist is abducted or disappears without a trace, the impact on press freedom can be devastating. There is no doubt that the insecurity and fear created by a disappearance ripples through the entire media community, which sadly too often is the strategy of those responsible. Compounded with the failure of states to adequately prosecute and find those responsible, it also supports and creates a climate of impunity for such atrocities.On November 16, the IFJ and the Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ) in collaboration with IFEX will launch the IFJ missing journalist list, Without a Trace: Missing media workers in the Asia Pacific. The list documents the cases of the ten missing journalists across the Asia Pacific region dating back to 1975.Event: Without a Trace: Missing media workers in the Asia Pacific launch Date: Monday November 16, 2015For more information contact FNJ ([email protected])For more information or embargoed copies of the list please contact Alex Hearne [email protected]g 

For further information contact IFJ Asia-Pacific on +61 2 9333 0946 

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