Journalists Protest in Hong Kong over Photographer’s Assault Charge


The International Federation of Journalists supports its affiliate the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA), and other local media organisations, in its protests in support of a photo-journalist charged with common assault, which they claim arose from circumstance related to the restrictions placed on the media in Hong Kong.


Sing Kai-Chung, a former photographer with Apple Daily, was charged with common assault for allegedly pushing a security guard to the ground outside the Government Headquarters in Hong Kong on January 9.


Restrictive regulations have been prevented media from reporting outside the Government Headquarters. Sing Kai-Chung, who appeared in Eastern Court on September 27, was reportedly trying to take photographs of the then Secretary for Education Michael Suen Ming-Yeung, at the time of the alleged incident.


“I refuse to admit the charge. I would like to put forward all the facts in front of the court and seek justice. Let the court to decide whether media has the right to report”, Sing told the IFJ.


“I have worked in this industry for 20 years. I have experienced the shrinking of press freedom in Hong Kong. In addition to that, we often receive hostility from the security guards when we are trying to exercise our duty in front of the Government Headquarter Building” he added.


Sing was released on bail and the case was adjourned until October 11.


The HKJA, Hong Kong Press Photographers Association and other media organisations also voiced their concerns and denounced the restrictive arrangements for media outside the Government Headquarter Building.


Approximately 80 journalists and members of organisations wearing black t-shirts protested outside the court in support of Mr Sing and against the restrictions on September 27.


The protestors demanded an apology from the government for placing restrictive coverage orders on the media, preventing proper coverage at Government Headquarters, which they say resulted in the assault case and violates Article 27, Chapter 3, of the Hong Kong constitution’s Basic Law, which is intended to uphold press freedom.


The HKJA is demanding that the Hong Kong Government lift all the restrictions against media from outside the Government Headquarter Building.    


The IFJ has reported on the deterioration of press freedom in Hong Kongin recent months.


“An unfettered press is one of the cornerstones of any democracy, and the media must be able to perform their duty to report in the public interest” the IFJ Asia-Pacific office said.


“Attempts to restrict the media’s ability to report should not be tolerated.”

We urge the Judiciary Department of Hong Kong to ensure a fair and impartial trial for Mr Sing is conducted, when the case is before the courts in October.


We also call on the Chief Executive of Hong Kong to lift restrictions on media from reporting outside the Government Headquarter Building, in line with the Basic Law which protects press freedom.


For further information contact IFJ Asia-Pacific on +61 2 9333 0918 


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