Who Makes the News?

Who Makes the News?

The Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) 2005 findings were released on February 15, 2006 in London. The Who Makes the News? Three Weeks of Global Action on Gender and the Media begins on February 16 and goes on up to March 8, 2006, International Women’s Day. The aim is to challenge news media worldwide to ensure that both men and women ‘make the news’.

February 16, 2006 marks exactly one year since hundreds of gender and media groups in 76 countries joined in an effort of incredible solidarity to monitor the representation of women and men in their news media as part of the Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) 2005. 

The Top 10 Highlights document sets out the most striking findings of the 2005 monitoring efforts. The data in this document was collected on February 16, 2005 and is a one-day snapshot of the representation of women and men in news media worldwide.

To download this document, click here

For the full 2005 report click here

During the Who Makes the News? Three Weeks of Global Action on Gender and the Media from February 16 to March 8, you can monitor your national media for the way in which it represents women and men in the news and then release the results to your media, relevant government institutions and your constituencies. Monitoring your media during the Who Makes the News? campaign is one way to see whether the media is responding to your demands for the fair and balanced representation of women and men by changing their coverage during the campaign. You could approach the media or gender departments of local universities or journalism schools to see if they would like to monitor the media with you. They are often open to this kind of collaborative research.

The GMMP 2005 media monitoring methodology is available at http://www.whomakesthenews.org. A simpler way to monitor the media is also available in the WACC Gender and Media Advocacy Toolkit which you can also access on http://www.whomakesthenews.org