IFJ Statement, WIPO SCCR 7-9 June 2004

The IFJ welcomes the consolidated text prepared by the chairman of the SCCR in cooperation with the WIPO Secretariat.

However, we would like to stress again that protection in the future WIPO instrument should be given to public service broadcasters and/or full service broadcasters only. The IFJ would therefore oppose references to webcasters and cable casters and focus on traditional broadcasters.

The IFJ believes that the protection granted to broadcasting organisations should cover the existing and fixed programme only. Broadcasters should only be given the rights necessary for them to fight against piracy and these rights should not hamper the rights of authors and performers over their own work. The future instrument should therefore ensure that Contracting parties grant similar rights to authors and performers as they do to broadcasters.

The IFJ welcomes in particular provisions in the consolidated text calling on the importance not to compromise the right of holders of copyright and related rights in works contained in broadcasts, as well as the need for broadcasters to acknowledge these rights.

Together with other right holders, the IFJ believes that contracting parties to the future instrument should first become a party to the WCT and WPPT. This is an essential condition to guaranty creators protection over their work as integrated in the broadcast.

Finally, the IFJ would like once again to stress that the protection of audiovisual performances should remain a priority for WIPO work.