IFJ Statement- WIPO SCCR 16th session

The International Federation of Journalists represents 500 000 journalists in the world. It promotes strong authors’ rights protection for journalists and their need to be recognised as authors of the work they create and enjoy strong economic and moral rights. This, of course, applies to TV and radio journalists and the content they produce.

The IFJ also defends independent public service broadcasting, democratic and pluralism values in broadcasting organizations and transparency of their ownership structures.

12 years is indeed a long time...Over the past years, the IFJ has reiterated the view that the scope of a possible broadcasting Treaty should only extend to the protection of the broadcasting signal and exclude post fixation rights and webcasting from the Treaty.

Although we note WIPO delegation’s willingness to keep the broadcasting item on the agenda, we also note that no consensus has been achieved on the objective, scope and object of protection of a possible treaty.

Lastly, we would like to stress again that the need still remain to grant audiovisual performers the protection that they have been asking for years. This, in our view, should be treated as a priority to the conclusion of a new treaty on broadcasters.