Chris Yeung: "Diversity will be lacking if there are few women in senior, decision-making positions"

Chris Yeung is the president of the Hong Kong Journalists Association and chief writer at Citizen News. We talk with him about gender equality in media and the situation of women in Hong Kong.

Chris Yeung

How would you describe the situation of women in media in your own country? What are the challenges they face reaching top level positions?

Major challenge is for women to try to find a difficult balance between family and work, in particular for those who have children. Moving up to senior and top positions means more time for work. The mainstream thinking in society remains women should give priority to family when there is conflict with their work.

What are the consequences of the lack of women in managing positions in media?

Women have different perspectives and styles in dealing with crises, staff management and judgment. Diversity will be lacking if there are few women in senior, decision-making positions.

How can we solve this situation? Considering your personal experience, what would you suggest to reach gender equality in media? 

In HK, gender inequality is not serious in media. Some problems, such as social attitude, exist in society as a whole, not just in media. That should be dealt with at a community level.

What could be the role of men journalists and media leaders in this process? 

Lead the debate, raise the issue, draw public attention for a change in mindset and attitude.

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