IFJ responds to US Copyright office study on moral rights

Credit: IFJ

In its response to US Copyright Office Study on the Moral Rights of Attribution and Integrity the IFJ urges to strengthen those rights for journalists and other authors. The term “moral rights” is taken from the French phrase "droit moral" and refers to  non-economic rights that are considered personal to an author. They include the right of an author to be credited as the author of his or her work (the right of attribution) and the right to prevent prejudicial distortions of the work (the right of integrity). Moral rights are recognised by the International Berne Convention  in its Article 6 bis. Recalling that unwaivable, enforceable moral rights of attribution and integrity are vital tools in the promotion of ethical journalism, the IFJ  also points at the importance to attribute sources to fight against fake news. The IFJ believes that there would be practical advantages to US industry in adopting moral rights, pointing in particular at strengthening integrity of the works and costs reductions. Read full submission.