Conference Conclusions and Report of the Authors' Rights For All Summit 2000

British Library, London, June 14-16th 2000


I. Conclusions of the Meeting
II. Workshop Reports
Workshop One: Ethics, Quality and Authors' Rights
Workshop Two: Union Rights and Collective Bargaining
Workshop Three: Global Legal Landscape and Harmonisation
III. Conference Programme
IV. List of Participants
V. Appendices
APPENDIX A: Decisions of the IFJ Executive Committee
APPENDIX B: Decisions of the European Federation of Journalists

I. Conclusions of the Meeting

The Authors' Rights For All Summit reached the following conclusions regarding follow-up actions and the launching of a worldwide Campaign in defence of authors' rights:

Campaign Principles

1. That the Target Groups will be: authors, journalists and creators and civil society groups such as human rights groups, trade unions, politicians, and employers

2. That the guiding principle is: Moral rights are human rights to be universally respected

3. That unions should accommodate freelance interests

4. That Unions should campaign for and negotiate authors' rights for freelances and staff

5. That Legal protection is sought for freelance workers as well as collective bargaining rights.

Agenda for Action

To carry out an international audit of copyright ownership and economy in the media sector
To prepare a strategy for legal harmonisation and identify cases for action to challenge violations of rights
To prepare a strategy for education, training and raising awareness on moral rights and authors' rights for our members and for others
To prepare training materials for unions and for freelancers to improve the quality of bargaining (model contracts, negotiating skills)
To press, without endangering existing high standards, for:
a) Collective bargaining rights for freelances where they don't exist and
b) authors' rights for staff members
To issue a code of conduct including common standards for licensing and collection services
To seek a legal basis for collecting societies
To fight proposals that create legal havens for low standards
To establish create a database and a campaign web-site
a) database: covering fees, contracts, companies (including profile of ownership), and legal cases
b) web-site: links to contacts and allies, agenda for action, discussion forum
To co-ordinate lobbying efforts: involve directly other creators and trade unions

II. Workshop Reports

Workshop One: Ethics, Quality and Authors' Rights

Introduced by Tove Hygum Jakobsen
Moderator: Arne Ruth
Rapporteur: Olivier Da Lage

The Workshop concluded that unlike ownership rights, moral rights are not negotiable. Moral rights are the author's mark on his work. It is therefore our goal to ensure that they are actually recognized in all countries. Moral rights must be recognized through legislation based on the highest existing level of protection, but this protection must not just be a matter of form: we must make sure that we have mechanisms that permit the genuine protection of moral rights under all circumstances.

It was agreed to recommend that this should be a core principle of the Authors' Rights Campaign 2000.

While the objective is universal, the strategy employed must be geared to existing situations.

In those countries where moral rights are recognized in legislation, we must ensure that this legislation is enforced; it must not become a dead letter.
In those countries which do not fully recognize the moral rights of authors, or which do not recognize them at all, we must pursue two objectives:
- to ultimately obtain legal recognition of moral rights based on the highest level of protection;
- to immediately try wherever possible to open up a breach in the united employers' front by seeking to conclude company-level agreements recognizing the full moral rights of authors. Such agreements will serve as examples and as an incentive to other companies, and will help change the attitudes of legislators in a way that is favourable to us.
At present, it is worth noting that in the view of many journalists the issue of moral rights is not necessarily a priority. There is often confusion between moral rights ? assuming that this concept is even known ? and the right to collect supplementary remuneration.
Clearly, if the profession has not yet mobilized around the issue of defending its moral rights, even less interest can be expected from politicians and the general public. This is what has to change.

To this end it was agreed to recommend that we launch a massive information Campaign targeting different social groups.

If this Campaign is to be effective it must involve the following:

1. Targeting colleagues: journalists, authors and other creators

Freelance writers and employees must join forces to defend the same rights. It is in their common interest. A national and international information network must be set up, providing both the raw information which our colleagues need and the arguments to convince them. Our trade unions and national organizations must immediately get down to business by launching a Campaign urging authors "not to sign their rights away".

There are many members of our unions who give courses or lectures at journalism schools. The time has come to add courses and lectures on authors' rights at those schools that do not already offer them.

Based on the papers from this conference and information available through the IFJ network, our unions must draft easily understood explanations for those of our colleagues who cannot grasp all the subtleties of the texts on intellectual property - in other words the vast majority.

If this Campaign is to be effective then journalists and other authors (writers, screenwriters, directors, performers, etc.) should first build up the broadest possible coalition to ensure that their moral rights are recognized and protected.

Close links with academia could help us in two ways: educators can provide the expertise that we sometimes lack; and we could popularize our demands by ensuring that they are included in the instruction they give, the theses and dissertations they supervise, and so on.

2. Harmonizing the protection of moral rights at the highest level

This will entail changes to legislation almost everywhere. National campaigns should be pursued to inform senior and elected officials of good policies in this regard. For efficiency's sake, the Campaign should be coordinated and should give as many specific examples as possible of violations of moral rights. The emphasis should be placed on the democratic dimension of moral rights and the link between a free, quality press and the respect for the author's personality and the integrity of his work.

Here, the working paper contains solid arguments to be used as a foundation. This lobbying Campaign must also be pursued in liaison with our allies in other groups of non-unionized creators and journalists.

3. Seeking Support from Employers

Some employers do not oppose recognition of moral rights on principle, they simply want to maximize their profits and reduce their paperwork. It is up to us to show them that recognizing this right, which is essential to their journalists and other authors, does not in fact compromise their profits, and to come up with simple procedures for monitoring compliance with moral rights. Some may become aware that by denying their employees this moral right they are stealing from them.

With this first group of publishers or distributors, it should be possible to set up partnerships in which each party would benefit. Performing rights societies should play a key role in these contacts. We must also make use of those of our members and allies who, with powerful personal reputations, can add weight to the Campaign.

But for those employers that refuse to play along, we must have other means, such as a campaign targeting advertisers or public challenges to companies that specialize in violating our rights. Lastly, wherever the law allows, the most serious offenders must be taken to court and punished.

4. Winning Support from NGOs and the general public

In addition, we must stress that moral rights are not just a claim made by authors: they are a "right of personality" recognized by two international treaties:

the Bern Convention and;
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights translated into the Pact on Civil and Political Rights.
Failure by the signatory states to respect this right therefore constitutes a violation.
While we do not claim that this is the most serious form of human rights violation, we must raise the awareness of human rights NGOs and initiate a petition campaign targeting the UN and ILO. Internationally renowned authors should be able to lend their support to this Campaign.

At the same time it is vital that the general public understands and supports our struggle.

They must be made to understand, directly or via associations, that our struggle for the recognition of moral rights is a claim by special interests. Of course, we should not be embarrassed about defending those who give us a mandate, like any union. But in this case, moral rights are the link that indivisibly bind the creator to his work. They are not something specific to journalists; they flow from the act of creation.

They are not a journalist's right, but a citizen's right. A right which, accordingly, must also be recognized as belonging to - but not only to - journalists. Without trying to claim that the quality press cannot exist wherever authors' rights are not recognized, we must show that such failure to recognize authors' rights is an anomaly.

Throughout the Campaign, whose messages must be carefully targeted, we must avoid muddling the rhetoric. We must take special care to avoid giving any group the impression that we are hiding behind lofty arguments (defence of human rights, journalistic ethics, etc.) for the sole aim of earning more money by collecting royalties. We are fighting that battle too, but it is not the same issue as the question of moral authority over our own work.

Workshop Two: Union Rights and Collective Bargaining

Introduced by Aidan White
Moderator: Jonathan Tasini
Rapporteur: Linda Foley

The workshop considered three points:

  • how unions currently organise on author's rights issues;

  • the need for an efficient and effective exchange of information;

  • what is needed for a successful practical Campaign.

  • Union Structures and Current Strategies
    Participants said that much needed to be done by unions to bring rights issues into the mainstream of their work. One of the problems facing unions was that work had yet to be done to establish minimum standards.

    Additionally, leading figures in journalism had to be encouraged to support authors' rights issues and demands. These members were an important resource, not often used effectively to promote our demands.

    One example good co-ordination and use of resources to establish standards was in the UK where directors and authors were working together in order to Campaign for directors' rights and to establish parity of rights and standards. This was the sort of co-operation that was needed to create alliances in order to fight campaigns

    In France differences were highlighted between some staff and freelance journalists. Differences of approach still existed and some journalists expressed concern that existing unions were not vigorous enough in defending freelance interest. However, the French unions stressed that a special status for freelances - pigistes - giving rights close to those of salaried staff had been established. French unions said that a number of court actions had been won over republication rights over the past two years. Bargaining goes on company by company.

    However, it was acknowledged that there is a need to develop a different approach that recognises the separate needs of freelances.

    When look for minimum standards it is useful to look at the IPR code in France. Cases have been won when journalists challenged the use of their work on the net. The code makes sense and could provide an international framework.

    In Venezuela a common problem was reported -- newspapers claiming that use of materials on different media is not republication. A national campaign is being waged over this issue.

    In Great Britain and Ireland the union reported examples of organising and shared experience with other unions. Models of organising had been developed. Tensions exist between staff and freelance union members and this was a product of the traditional culture of organising within journalists' unions. Even so, there was no serious discussion of a split between freelance and staff.

    Indeed, the Working Group recommended that the interests of both freelance and staff members were the same in terms of protection of authors' rights which had to be fought for together.

    In Denmark it was reported that freelance rights were being brought in to the mainstream of union work. Effective co-operation was established between staff members and freelancers. As a resell, staff members better understand the importance of rights issues.

    The union in Belgium said that in 1995 activity targeted at freelances had been set up within the union. The unions works closely with other organisations including the rights management association. They cannot hand over these rights, they say go and talk to the association. There is a race to hand over these rights. There are great differences at certain levels between staff and freelances. The rights management company has two real aims - to represent journalists and their rights and to settle individual disputes. Freelances are engaged in this staff. When negotiating for staff pay and conditions, the unions always makes sure freelances are represented.

    In Finland difficulties between staff and freelances had been a problem in the past. The union had initiated a pilot project in which seven newspaper houses had been targeted to encouraged co-operation. This has worked and has contributed to better understanding.

    In Spain the legal landscape was crucial and the unions were waiting for the European directive that will force governments to harmonise the conditions for journalists. Journalists and authors are going to set up their own rights management company. Awareness among journalists generally is a major problem that needs to be confronted.

    Additionally, in Argentina the union reported on problems of unemployment and competition for work among journalists. There were many more students of journalism than places available. Extra numbers of people were coming into the profession and this was adding to organising difficulties in which the defence of the interests of these freelance interests appeared to endanger the precarious situation of staff employment.

    In Switzerland editors tell freelances they must renounce existing contracts, they must transfer all rights and they will not be employed if they use a rights management society. They wanted to establish the right to use a rights management association and to force employers to recognise rights management beyond individual contracts.

    The union Comedia supported co-operation among staff and freelances within the unions, but there are important differences between staff and freelances and authors' rights was a major one. When editors want the same authors' rights rules for freelances as they have for the staff, this could only be fought by highlighting the differences and adopting an approach that will protect the rights and benefits of both staff and freelances.

    In Peru where there is a deregulated legal landscape for labour, many journalists are no longer staff members and they are paid for professional services without any social or welfare benefits. The unions were facing an overwhelming battle to establish rights for this new category of workers and they needed useful advice on organising strategies.

    Unions reported actions to recruit workers in the new media sector where strategies were needed to cope with the large volume of new people who need to be organised and who are working in conditions much worse than those that were traditionally acceptable. This did not just involve authors' rights, but also labour rights and civil rights.

    It was recommended that unions should develop organising strategies for on-line workers and should launch recruiting activity through the world-wide web.

    The aim should be to:

    Provide services for all groups of workers;
    Build structures for co-operation between freelance and staff;
    Identify priorities for action that meet needs of on-line workers;
    Consider internal structures to ensure freelances and new media workers have a voice in the union and its work.
    Regarding rights organisations, it was recommended that practical solutions should be found covering, licensing systems, residual rights, the setting of minimum standards -through bargaining, and setting up structures for collective bargaining
    It was stressed that licensing systems must not be an obstacle to effective individual negotiations. Collecting systems should not provide a mandatory framework. Authors should recognise that collecting societies are only useful for regulating areas that cannot be dealt with through individual contracts and bargaining arrangements..

    Collecting societies can be useful in monitoring the market and acting as useful research units for authors. One strategy can be to establish minimum standards and assign to collecting society the responsibility for collection of future rights.

    Participants said that relationships between authors and existing collecting societies are more difficult because authors feel that they seem not to work for the proper interest of authors. Perhaps authors need to form their own collecting society which could involve different authors groups.

    It might be useful to have a varied menu of options for rights management that will suit different conditions, providing an appropriate solution for different groups of skills and creators. What is needed is a code of practice for collecting societies and management systems.

    It was recommended that the Campaign should carry out an international audit to indicate who owns copyrights and in what areas and in this work collecting societies could do some monitoring of the market.

    Participants stressed that the current rights organisation IFFRO does not yet distinguish between rightsholders and authors.

    It was recommended to consider having an authors organisation to take over primary rights and that this idea should be examined in the on-going Campaign.

    It was also recommended that authors' rights should be brought into the process of collective bargaining and that the issue of rights should be included as a subject in the training of young journalists. Therefore, journalism schools should be involved in the Campaign.

    Developing an Effective Information Exchange

    Participants agreed that the establishment of a database was a priority. It would need to be updated regularly with useful information for members. It would be useful to map out a level of contracts and information should be sought on a confidential basis.

    The experience of the Nordic countries in terms of freelance organisation should be used. Gathering information is difficult, but for the database to be useful it must provide hard facts and figures. National contact points should be used to gather information.

    It was agreed to recommend the creation of a central database for all creators that would be interactive and provide timely and up to date information.

    It was also agreed to develop web-based Internet tools to assist unions to organise and exert pressure on employers.

    Participants said that the Campaign should use information effectively -- providing details of a model contract, establishing a discussion forum, developing an e-mail guerrilla organisation, circulating details of companies that undermine standards and publishing a shame list.

    Participants said that a speakers and experts list should be circulated as well as a comprehensive statement on the benefits of unions membership for all journalists and authors.

    The database and information Campaign should be truly global, providing information for the workforce reflecting the nature of the global market. The database should also provide information on companies and the standards they are setting. It should also indicate where the unions are organised and provide links to unions to promote solidarity. The Campaign should also identify effective lobbying groups and identify pressure points where union action is needed..

    Practical Steps Towards and Effective Campaign

    The workshop considered the idea of confronting one company, but there were doubts if this would be the most effective approach.

    It was noted that existing international and regional conventions that protect authors rights could provide a focus for regional actions in defence of rights.

    Unions should organise around the concept of fair compensation, but they should also be part of the struggle for cultural diversity. The Campaign should not focus on an exclusive approach. Appropriate strategies should be adopted to suit any particular situation. The question of what term to use - fair compensation or fair treatment or fair shares - should be appropriate to the circumstances.

    The group recommended that there should be collaboration with other journalists' unions and other creators' groups in the Campaign and that the Campaign should focus on international co-operation and solidarity.

    The participants also recognised the importance of the struggle for a common policy approach in Europe. There is a need to ensure the Campaign is used to promote national actions to ensure the European directive is adopted in national law.

    It was agreed to recommend that the struggle for moral rights as well as cultural, democratic and fundamental rights have to be fought for in tandem, with the fight for fair remuneration. The global Campaign should be adopted for regional actions.

    The group recommended that the Campaign should raise awareness within our own membership and then should adopt a different approach to seek wider public support.

    Two distinct Campaigns - global approach is a European Campaign, strategies that need to be employed.

    The aims of the Campaign should be to stimulate action by unions, raise awareness within the public at large, target companies that are the worst offenders, and, above all, convince people that they have a chance of winning.

    The group recommended that this can be done by focusing on moral rights and developing an effective communications strategy. An action plan would be developed including the following:

    Day of action around the world. To be developed in each region;
    Prepare and promote models for contracts and models for legal regulation
    Draft a Code of practice for conduct of relations related to authors' rights;
    Publish a Code of practice for the operation of licensing and collection societies;
    Campaign vigorously within member organisation for actions to obtain fair compensation, moral rights, and fair treatment;
    Launch a strategy for Campaign directed at the public at large on fair dealing and human rights questions.

    Workshop Three: Global Legal Landscape and Harmonisation

    Introduced by Anne Louise Schelin
    Moderator: Tudor Gates
    Rapporteur: Theo Hassler

    Workshop Three focused on the three major differences between the Continental European System of Authors' Rights and the Anglo-American System of Copyright. It was agreed that these are:

    The "Work-for-Hire" rule for employee authors and freelances who work for hire or are under a contract of service in the Anglo-American copyright system which means that all rights are automatically transferred from the author to the employer (the publisher or producer)
    The lack of (or very low) protection of moral rights in the countries that adhere to the Anglo-American Copyright System and
    The lack of legislation supporting collective bargaining and collective licensing.
    The fight against Work-for-Hire
    Employed authors and freelances (also those who work for hire) must be able to freely negotiate the transfer of authors rights in connection with negotiations concerning their wages and other working conditions. Where collective rights of negotiations don't exist - they should be established.

    The Workshop recommends that the follow-up Campaign should give high priority to battle statutory transfer of rights from employees to employers.

    Participants also stressed that legislation on presumption of transfer in favour of the publisher or producer (the employer) must be resisted. Such a legal presumption of transfer means that the employer is presumed to have all the rights if no written agreement says otherwise.

    This also means that there is no incentive for the employer to enter into discussions and negotiations concerning authors' rights. Only the very strongest of authors (staff and freelance) - those who are very much in demand - will be able force an employer to sign an agreement reserving his or her rights of future use.

    The workshop felt that it was important to stress powerful arguments that should make an impression on:

    1) The companies
    Stressing the benefits of incentives for staff and freelance employees;
    Emphasising how good co-operation in the workplace furthers creativity, quality and productivity;
    Noting that through collective licensing the companies will have full freedom to act on behalf of all rightholders.
    2) Governments
    Pointing out that where staff and freelance have negotiating rights there is greater mutual respect between producers/publishers and their staff and freelance employees;
    Emphasising that the necessity of entering into individual or collective agreements does not block new uses and does not reduce competitiveness;
    Expressing clearly how co-operation and staff/freelance influence furthers (press) ethics and high professional standards;
    Noting that collective licensing counterbalances monopolisation.
    3) Users
    Illustrating how prices don't go up because staff/freelance have negotiating rights;
    Explaining that collective licensing gives easy access and access on equal terms;
    Stressing that staff and freelance influence furthers authenticity, quality content and divergence.
    Participants agreed that it is particularly important that all authors' and performers' organisations be present and very visible in campaigning work, particularly when sending these messages to WIPO, WTO and other international fora and bodies.
    The Group recommended that global harmonisation must mean the rest of the world adopting the elemental rules of the Continental European System of Authors' Rights:

    The right to be named the author and the protection of the integrity of the work and the professional and artistic integrity of the author (the moral rights) remain with the author always.
    The rights of use (the economic rights) can only be transferred from the author by agreement (except for legal exemptions regarding use for quotations, private copying etc.)
    This system is in harmony with the rights of the individual as expressed in the UN declaration of Human Rights.
    The authors' rights Campaign should point out to national and international governmental bodies that authors and performers must be given at least the possibility of securing influence over future uses of their work through negotiations. This counterbalancing force is the only one to be able to have some co-influence over the enormous content monopolies that are being built globally in these recent years.

    It was stressed that while global institutions like WIPO are important to deal with, it is just as important for the authors of each individual country to get these points through to their national governments, users and companies.

    The group discussed at length the special problem within the European Union where three countries - the UK, Ireland and the Netherlands - more or less adhere to the Anglo-American Copyright System.

    The Group recommended that the Campaign should examine cases of infringement of authors' rights that might be brought before the European Human Rights Court.

    If European Union harmonisation is to solve the lack of a level playing field between these 3 countries and the rest of the European Union, it is vital that the authors and performers of the UK, Ireland and Netherlands put as much pressure as possible on their respective governments. The struggle begins at home.

    The Fight for Moral Rights

    The Group agreed that it is important to continue trying to convince the European union of the importance of harmonising moral rights in EU countries at the highest level of protection. We must continue to gather examples of how the differences distort the single market and of the negative consequences of this both economic and otherwise.

    There was awareness of the important negotiations in WIPO in December regarding the rights of performers in the audio-visual field. It was agreed that a result for performers regarding moral rights that was lower than the level in the WIPO Treaties on Copyright from December 1996 was unacceptable.

    The special need of strong moral rights in the digital era was stressed. And the group discussed progress in the field of entering into collective agreements concerning authors rights in the digital environment. Several of the members of the workshop gave useful information regarding agreements in their countries. The lack of legislation supports collective bargaining and collective licensing.

    All participants in the group put forward examples of authors being pressured into signing over all rights in present and in future. The pressure being that without signing - there would be no work. All agreed that these tactics are becoming more common and spread globally with globalisation, mergers, and monopolies.

    The summit Campaign strategy should include proposals to ban this practice. Anti trust and competition laws must safeguard authors against this type of treatment that in reality leaves them with no means to uphold their rights.

    In combination with this we must have legal presumptions that presume, that rights of future use have remained with the author unless otherwise clearly specified in writing. (Instead of (as today in some countries) legal presumptions in favour of the producers and publishers)

    The Workshop agreed that the Campaign must start with our own members. And that we must work really hard to get the young people in the new media to join union membership. If we don't succeed in this there is a great risk, that all else fails.

    Better information and more involvement of people at their work places and in freelance groups should be an important step forward.

    Integration of freelances and staff members in the Campaign and the work of the unions is essential. Old differences in working culture and feelings of different interests must be thrust aside.

    Country of Origin Rules

    The Workshop also discussed the so called "country of origin" rules that specify, that it is the law of the country from which a protected work originates that is to be used as the basis regarding authors rights. Publishers and producers advocate strongly for this rule as it enables them to settle in a European country (or, if established globally, a country around the world) with the lowest possible protection of authors rights.

    If European and global harmonisation at a high level of authors rights protection does not succeed, market forces will lead to this even without supportive rules. But if and where country-of-origin rules are established, this will most definitely lead to company migration.

    One participant pointed out that in the executive summary of a study commissioned by the EU Commission on the competitiveness of European Publishing industry one of the recommendations was that country-of-origin principles regarding content regulation, including advertisement, should be established. If this recommendation were followed, it would mean more publishing houses setting up their domicile in areas like the UK, a country regarded as a virtually "Authors' Rights Free Haven".

    The group recommended that the Campaign should contain a point of action against country-of-origin principles (rules) and to have this point in mind whenever new legislation is adopted at international level.

    Commercial Pressure on the Developing Countries

    A Workshop participant informed the group that the US entertainment and media industry finances one top lawyer to be placed in each capital of each developing country. (With special focus on the former East European countries). The single goal and purpose of these lawyers is to convince the respective governments to adopt the Anglo-American Copyright System in stead of the Continental European System. In the light of this the group also felt that the Summit Campaign should take this into consideration and look to strengthen lobbying work.

    Campaign Strategy

    The Workshop recommended that in addition to the information strategy and global campaigning perspective, the Campaign should ensure authors' rights is made part of education schemes at all levels. Authors rights organisations should co-operate to make material and persons who are knowledgeable on authors rights available for schools and universities which should be recruited to support the Campaign Objectives.

    III. Conference Programme

    Wednesday, June 14th 2000

    14.00 Welcome: Christopher Warren, President, IFJ John Foster, General Secretary, NUJ

    14.15 Opening Address: Dr Kim Howells, Minister for Consumers and Corporate Affairs, United Kingdom

    14.30 Keynote Address: Globalisation, Ethics and Editorial Independence
    Arne Ruth, Professor of Journalism, Stockholm University, Formerly, Editor-in-Chief, Dagens Nyheter

    15.00 Panel Discussion: Authors' Rights in A Digital World

    Moderator: Aidan White, General Secretary, IFJ
    Maureen Duffy, ALCS, Vice-President BCC
    Martin Beckett, President, CIAGP
    Philip Jennings, General Secretary, UNI
    Chris Elliott, Managing Editor, The Guardian
    17.15 Introduction to the Workshops:
    Anne Louise Schelin, General Secretary, Danish Union of Journalists
    Jonathan Tasini, President, National Writers Union
    18.00 Reception hosted by David Toomer, NUJ President
    Thursday, June 15th 2000

    O9.00-17.30 Workshops

    Workshop 1 - Ethics, Quality and Authors' Rights

    Introduced by Tove Hygum Jakobsen
    Moderator: Arne Ruth
    Rapporteur: Olivier Da Lage
    Workshop 2 - Collective Bargaining and Contractual Models

    Introduced by Aidan White
    Moderator: Jonathan Tasini
    Rapporteur: Linda Foley
    Workshop 3 - Global Legal Landscape and Harmonisation

    Introduced by Anne Louise Schelin
    Moderator: Tudor Gates
    Rapporteur: Theo Hassler

    Friday, June 16th 2000
    09.00 Authors' Rights and Global Harmonisation

    Bernt Hugenholtz, Lawyer, The Netherlands
    Tarja Koskinen-Olsson, CEO, Kopiosto
    10.45 Final Session: Global Strategy for the Protection of Authors' Rights
    Moderator: Aidan White
    Report back from Workshops
    Closing remarks from Christopher Warren, IFJ President
    Back to Top

    IV. List of Participants


    Osvaldo Miguel Urriolabeitia, Secretary General, FATPREN, tel: 54 11 4305 6768, Fax: 54 11 4304 1034, email [email protected] Solis 1158 - 2º piso, 1078 Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Oscar Francisco Laino, General Secretary UTSA, Tel: 0511 4373 1164, Fax 0522 4374 4452/4863/0511 4372 3107, Lavalle 1578 Piso 1º, 1048 Capital Federal, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

    Damian Loreti, Asesor Letrado, FATPREN, tel: 00 54 11 4 305 67 68, Fax: 00 54 11 4304 1034, email [email protected] Solis 11 58 (1078) Buenos Aires, Argentina.


    Christopher Warren, IFJ President.


    Dr Albrecht Haller, AREG, Tel/Fax: +43 1 478 62 31, email [email protected] Weimerer Strasse 25.1, A-1180 Wien, Austria.

    Doris Stoisser, KMSFB, 00 43 1 408 2858, Fax: 00 43 1 501 011 8929, email [email protected]


    Martine Simonis, National Secretary AGJPB, Tel@ 00 32 2 229 1460, Fax: 00 32 2 223 0272 email [email protected] Quai a la Houille, 3 bis, 1000 Brussels, Belgium.

    Luc Standaert, AVBB, Tel: 00 32 495 54 91 66 fax 00 32 2 223 0272 email [email protected] Steenkoolkaai 9bis, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

    Carola Streul, Secretary General - European Visual Artists (EVA) - 32 2 7266264, fax 32 2 705 34 22 email [email protected], 131 Av. Franscourtens, B-1030 Bruxelles, Belgium.

    Roland Louski, Legal Advisor ENPA, Tel: 00 322 5510190 Fax: 32 2 5510199, email [email protected] rue des Presses 29 Bte 8, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium.

    Priscilla Moens - legal Advisor - SOFAM, 00 32 2 726 3800, Fax 32 2 705 3422 Email [email protected] Av. Frans Courtens 131, 1030 Brussels, Belgium.


    Miloš Šolaja, Assoc. of Journalists of Republika Srpska, Tel: +387 51 218 522/ 218 533, Fax: +387 51 218 533, email [email protected].


    Francisco Sant'Anna, Vice-President, IFJ


    Monique Prince - FNC; Tel: +1 514 598 2132, Fax: +1 514 598 2431, email [email protected] 1601 de Lorimier, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2K 4M5

    Francine Bousquet, Conseillere Syndicale FNC, Tel: +1 514 598 2337, Fax: +1 514 598 2431, email [email protected], 1601 de Lorimier, Monteal Canada, H2K 4M5.

    Arnold Amber, Director, Newspaper Guild of Canada, CWA


    Anne Louise Schelin - Head of Secretariat, Danish Union of Journalists, Tel: +45 33 42 80 00, Fax: +45 33 42 8003, email [email protected], Dansk Journalistforbund, Gl. Strand 46, DK-1202 Copenhagen K, Denmark.

    Tove Hygum Jakobsen, Danish Union of Journalists, Tel: +45 35 43 30 31, Fax: +45 35 43 3963, email [email protected], Midtermilen 2, 4th DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.

    Mette Curdt, Danish Union of Journalists, Tel: +45 44 94 01 90, email [email protected], Herlev Hovedgade 87 2n, 2730 Herlev, Denmark,


    Tutta Runeberg, Union of Journalist in Finland, +358 19 2411 274, Fax: +358 19 2411 369 email [email protected] Papinniitynkatu 2, 10600 Tammisaari, Finland.

    Eila Hyppönen, General Secretary Union of Journalists in Finland, Hietalahdenkatu 2 B 22, 00180, Helsinki, Finland. Tel: +358 9 6122 330 Fax: +358 9 644 120, email [email protected]

    Eeva Vuortama, Union of Journalists in Finland, Tel: +358 9 1480 2996, mobile 0400 871 615, Runeberginkatu 58 B 19, 00260, Helsinki Finland.

    Pertti Kettunen, Professor - Assoc. Finnish non-Fiction Writers; Tel: +358 14 260 3680, Fax: +358 14 260 3710, email [email protected], University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35, FIN-40351 Jyväskylä, Finland

    Tarja Koskinen-Olsson, CEO Kopiosto ry, Tel: +358 9 4315 21, Fax: +358 9 4315 2399, email [email protected] Hietaniemenkatu 2, FIN-00100 Helsinki,


    Tommi Nilsson (legal advisor Kopiosto),Tel: +358 9 4315 2327, Fax: +358 9 4315 2377, Email [email protected] Hietaniemenkatu 2, 00100 Helsinki, Finland.


    Katty Cohen, Union Syndicale des Journalistes, 47/49 Avenue Simon Bolivar, 75019 Paris, France. Tel: 00 44 1 44 52 52 74 Fax: 00 33 1 42 02 59 74 email [email protected] web:

    Olivier Da Lage, Membre du groupe d'experts AREG, SNJ, Tel: 00 33 6 09 11 15 75, email [email protected] 180 Bd. Voltaire, 75011 Paris, France.

    Mario Guastoni, Secretary General SNJ, Tel: 00 33 1 5383 7045, Fax: 00 33 1 5383 0170 email [email protected] Revue Politique et Parlementaire, 11 rue de la Baume, 75008 Paris, France.

    Francoise Derollepot, ANJRPC, Tel: 33 1 42 77 24 30, Fax: 33 1 42 77 47 33, email [email protected] 121 rue Vielle du Temple, 75003 Paris, France.

    Thomas Halley, ANJRPC, Tel: 33 1 42 77 24 30, Fax: 33 1 42 77 47 33, email [email protected] 121 rue Vielle du Temple, 75003 Paris, France.

    Marie-Anne Ferry Fall, SCAM, Tel: 00 33 1 56 69 58 51 Fax 33 1 56 69 58 59 email [email protected] 5, Avenue Velasquez, 75008 Paris, France,

    Anne-Laure Dagnet, Journalist, FASAP FO, 5 rue Kleber, 90 000 Belfort, France, Tel: 33 6 07 30 93 87, (33 1 47 42 35 86)


    Stefan Endter, lawyer DJV-LV, Mattentwiete 2, 20457 Hamburg, Tel: 00 49 40 3697 100, Fax: 00 49 40 3697 1022, email [email protected].


    Tassos Anastasiadis, Treasurer PFJU (Panhellenic Federation of Journalists' Unions, 20 Akademias Str. 10671 Athens, Greece. Tel: 30 1 363 9881 - 363 9782, Fax: 30 1 362 5769 email [email protected] or [email protected]

    Athena Moss-Sypsa, PFJU and Greek Union of Magazine Journalists. Tel: +30 1 363 9881 - 363 9782, Fax: +30 1 362 5769, email [email protected] 20, Akademias Str. 10671 Athens, Greece.

    Serafim Tsoukos, legal advisor - Phoebus - Greek Photographers Collecting Society, 205 Aleaxandras Ave., 115 23 Athens, Greece. Tel: 00301 6458 642, Fax: 00 301 645 8641.


    Jònsson Hjàlmar, President, Union of Icelandic Journalists, +354 553 9155, Fax: +354 553 9177, email [email protected] Sidumúla 23, 108-Reykjavik, Iceland.

    Geirsson Lùovik, General Secretary, Tel: Union of Icelandic Journalists, +354 553 9155, Fax: +354 553 9177, email [email protected] Sidumúla 23, 108-Reykjavik, Iceland.


    Ronan Brady (NUJ, Irish Executive Council)

    Ronan Quinlan, (ditto).

    Ann Marie Foley - NUJ FIC, 49 Bramley View, Castleknock, Dublin 15, Ireland Fax: 00 353 1 822 6177


    Paolo Serventi Longhi, Secretary General, FNSI, Tel: 06 6833879, Fax: 06 6871444, email [email protected] Corso Vittorio Emanuele 349, 00186 Roma, Italy.

    Rodolfo Falvo, Vice Director FNSI, Tel: 06 6833879, Fax: 06 6871444, email [email protected] Corso Vittorio Emanuele 349, 00186 Roma, Italy.

    Antonio Velluto, FNSI, Tel: 06 6833879, Fax: 06 6871444, email [email protected]

    Lorenzo del Boca, President FNSI, Tel: 06 6833879, Fax: 06 6871444, email [email protected], Corso Vittorio, Emanuele 349, 00186 Roma.

    Giancarlo Tartaglia, FNSI Director, Tel: 06 6833879, Fax: 06 6871444, email [email protected] Corso Vittorio Emanuele 349, 00186 Roma, Italy.


    Yoshitane Okuda, Advisor, IFJ Tokyo Office, Tel: +81 3 3239 4055, Fax: +81 3 3239 4055, email ifj-okuda@, Itoh Bldg. 203, 4-2-12 Kudan-Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074, Japan.


    Seh-Yong Lee - +82 2 789 2851 Fax: +82 2 782 3094 email [email protected] C/oMBC Labour Union, Munhwa Broadcasting Group, 31 Yoido, Youngdung po, Seoul 150-728, South Korea.


    Jean-Claude Wolff, President ALJ, Association Luxembourgeoise des Journalistes, Tel@ 00 352 440044 227, Fax: 352 395104, email [email protected], P.O. Box 1732, L-1017 Luxembourg


    Khashkhuu Naranjargal, Vice-President, Mongolian Free and Democaratic Journalists Assoc., Tel: 976 1 324764, Fax: 976 1 324764, 350016, email [email protected] 1kh Toiruu 11b, P.O.X 357/20, 210620, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.


    M'Jahed Younouss, Member of the IFJ Executive Committee

    The Netherlands

    Leontien Brandcorstius, NVJ, Tel: +31 20 6766771, Fax: +31 20 6624901, email [email protected] Postabus 75997, 1070 AZ Amsterdam, Netherlands.

    Irene Konings, NVJ, (as above)


    John Stanghelles, Norwegian Non-Fiction Writers' and Translators' Association, Industrigaten 63, oppg.2 0357 OSLO, Norway.

    August Ringvold, lawyer


    Roberto Mejia Alarcon, President, Asociacion Nacional de Periodistas del Peru - Federacion Nacional de Trabajadores de la Comunicacion Social Tel: 51 1 427 0687, Fax 51 1 427 8493, email [email protected] address: Jr. Huancavelica Nº 320 - Oficina 503 - Lima, Peru.


    Horacio Serra Pereira, Chief Legal Advisor for Sindicato dos Jornalistas (Union of Portuguese journalists), Tel: 00 351 213 47 66 33, Fax: 00 351 213 42 25 83, email [email protected], Riva Duques de Braganca 7, 2º, 1249-059 Lisboa, Portugal,

    South Africa

    Farhana Ismail - e-mail: [email protected].


    Javier Gutiérrez Vicén - General Director of VEGAP and President E.V.A, Telephone 91 532 66 32, Fax: 91 531 53 98, Gran Via, 16-5º dde, 25013 Madrid.

    Juan Antonio Prieto, Federación de Associación de la Prensa Espanola (Fape), Mies del Alto de Maliano, Chalet nº 4, 39600 Maliano (Cantabria, Spain. Fax: 34 942 200 504 email [email protected]


    Olle Wilöf, Legal Advisor, Swedish Union of Journalists, [email protected] Tel: 00 46 8 613 75 11, Fax: 0046 8 21 26 80, Box 1116, 111 81 Stockholm, Sweden.

    Arne König, Board of Swedish Union of Journalists, [email protected] Tel@ 00 46 40 186430, Ehrensvärdsgatan 17, 212 13 Malmö, Sweden.

    Ann-Marie Schroder, Utsiktsvagen 28, 131 33 Nacka, Sweden


    Stephanie Vonarburg, Zentral Secretaria Sector Presse, CoMedia die Medien Gewerkschaft, Monbijoustrasse 33, Postfach 6336, 3001 Bern, Switzerland. 31 390 66 29, Fax: 31 390 66 94 email [email protected]

    Mathieu Fleury - Central Secretary, Swiss Federation of Journalists, Tel: 026 347 1500, Fax: 026 347 1509, email [email protected], Grand-Places 14A, Case Postale 316, 1701 Fribourg, Switzerland.

    United Kingdom

    Brenda Tobin, lawyer, Thompsons, Tel: 020 7290 0049. Fax 0207 580 1977 email [email protected], Address Thompsons Solicitors, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LW.

    Ann Rooney, lawyer, Thompsons, Tel: 020 7290 0049. Fax 0207 580 1977 email [email protected], Address Thompsons Solicitors, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LW.

    Tom Jones, lawyer, Thompsons, Tel: 020 7290 0049. Fax 0207 580 1977 email [email protected], Address Thompsons Solicitors, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LW.

    Janet Ibbotson, Secretary - British Copyright Council, Tel: 01 986 788 122, Fax: 01 986 788 847, [email protected] Copyright House, 29-33 Berneers Street, London W1P 4AA

    Tom Ang, Senior Lecturer, University of Westminster, Tel/Fax: 020 7274 8090, email [email protected],

    John Ley, NI NUJ Member .Tel: 02891 454 937, Email [email protected] 7 Ward Avenue, Bangor, Co. Down, N. Ireland. BT20 5JW

    Bill McLean, NEC/FIC member of NUJ. Tel: 0141 221 6889, Fax: 0141 221 6740, Address Flat 1/1, 22 Westminster Terrace, Glasgow G3 7RU.

    Carol Lee, NUJ Copyright consultant, 020 7359 0651, Fax: 020 7359 0651, [email protected] 57 Canonbury Park North, London N1 2JU.

    Francis Shennan, Secretary NUJ West of Scotland Freelance Branch, Tel: 0141 579 5040 Fax: 0141 579 5041, email [email protected] 64 Ashton Lane, Glasgow, G12 8SJ.

    Heather Rosenblatt, Legal Advisor Authors' Licensing & Collecting Society, tel: 020 7395 0630, Fax: 020 7395 0643, email [email protected] Marlborough Court 14-18 Holborn, London EC1N 2LE.

    Lawrence Dalziel, ALCS, Marlborough Court, 14-18 Holborn, London EC1N 2LE. Tel: 020 7395 0610.

    Andrew Wiard, 020 8340 8855, Fax 020 8292 1146, 174 Weston Park, London N8 9PN. LFB delegate

    Ros Bayley, LFB delegate, Phone/Fax 020 7485 1143 email [email protected] 101g Torriano Ave., London NW5 2RX.

    Martin Spellman, LFB delegate. Phone 07771 892 678, Fax 020 8428 4641 email [email protected] 59 Courtenay Ave., Harrow Weald, Middx HA3 6LJ.

    Phil Sutcliffe, Chair LFB, 020 8674 9397, 26 Kirkstall Road, London SW2 4HF.

    Mike Holderness, NUJ LFB, Tel: 020 7729 3143, 128 Bethnal Green Road, London E2 6DG. Email [email protected]

    Humphrey Evans, NUJ LFB, 020 7281 1442, 17 Wedmore Gardens, London N19 4DL.

    Dorian Silver, Planet Syndication, NUJ LFB 0208 291 4141 Fax 0208 291 7675, 84 Devonshire Road, Forest Hill, London SE23 3SX.

    Tudor Gates BECTU 17a Mercer Street, WC2H 8QJ. Tel: 020 7836 3710, Fax 020 7836 3748.

    John Sealey BECTU, Flat 1, 18 Veronica Road, SW17 8QL. Tel: 020 8673 0108.

    Geoffrey Adams, BECTU, 55a Corsica Street, N5 1JT, Tel/FAX: 020 7359 1895.

    Rotimi Sankore, NUJ LFB, Tel: 7582 2103, 71 Haymans Point, London SE11 4NU.

    Tim Dawson, chair of NUJ FIC, Tel: 0131 225 2082, 18 Frederick Street, Edinburgh EH2 2HB, [email protected]

    Magdalen Russell, NUJ FIC, Tel: 01603 219 352, Fax 01603 633 698 email [email protected] 179 Dereham Road, Norwich, NR2 3TB.

    Anne Hogben, Asst. General Secretary, Writers' Guild, Tel: 020 7723 8074 ext 201 [email protected]

    Tristan Evans, Writers' Guild

    Paul Hollleran Scottish Organiser NUJ Scottish Council

    Angela Austin, Asst Organiser, NUJ Scottish Council

    Nuala Naughton, NUJ Glasgow Branch Treasurer

    Euan Williamson, NUJ Dundee Branch

    Don Mackglew, NUJ Asst. Organiser NUJ

    Peter Shepherd, Chief Exec. Copyright Licensing Agency, Tel: 020 7631 5533, Fax: 020 7631 5500, email [email protected] 90 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 0LP.

    Caroline Austin - Photographer - NUJ LFB - Tel:Fax 020 7498 2193 74B Warriner Gardens, Battersea SW11 4DU.

    Jaqueline Paige, NUJ LFB, Tel/Fax: 0207 821 6758 email [email protected] 12, Orleans Court, 4 Douglas St., London SW1P 4PB.

    Jenny Vaughan, NUJ FIC ,Tel: 020 8509 3657 FAX 8509 0535 email [email protected] 53 Tower Hamlets Road, London E17 4RQ.

    Graham White, Council member CIOJ, 020 7232 1187, Fax 020 7232 2302, email [email protected] or [email protected] 2 Dock Offices, Surrey Quays Road, London SE16 2XU.

    CJ Underwood - General Secretary (IOJ TV) 0207 252 1187 Fax: 0207 232 2302 email [email protected] 2 Dock Offices, Surrey Quays Road, London SE16 2XU.

    Kenneth J A Brookes, Chairman, International Division, CIOJ. 020 8368 4997 Fax: 020 8368 4997 Email [email protected] 33 Oakhurst Ave, East Barnet, Herts EN4 8DN.

    Dominic Cooper, Asst. Gen. Sec. CIOJ, Tel: 020 7252 1187, Fax 020 7232 2302 email [email protected] 2 Dock Offices, Surrey Quays Road, London SE16 2XU.

    Norman Bartlett, CIOJ freelance, 01245 225649, Fax 01245 223113 email [email protected] 1 Hopping Jacks Lane, Danbury, Chelmsford SH3 4PN.

    Rodney Bennett-England, Treasurer CIOJ, 020 7252 1187, 020 7232 2302, email [email protected] 2 Dock Offices, Surrey Quays Road, London SE16 2XU.

    Ken Jones, European Editor, CIOJ/KHH Media - Europe, Tel: 01305 774 882 email [email protected] 35 Quayside Court, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8AQ.

    Hilary Macaskill, NUJ FIC, Tel: 0207 226 0246, 19 framfield Road, London N5 1UU. Email [email protected]

    Rob Hamadi, NUJ Press & PR branch, 020 7565 7474, Fax: 7836 4543, email [email protected], The Publishers' Association, 1 Kingsway, London WC2B 6XF.

    Gwen Thomas, Association of Photographers , 81 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4QS. Tel: 020 7739 6669, Fax: 7739 8707, email [email protected]

    Paul McLaughlin, NUJ Organiser

    Ilana Cravitz - (NUJ member) Communications Officer, 0207 278 9292, Fax 0207 713 1356, email [email protected] ARTICLE 19, Lancaster House, 33 Islington High Street, London N1 9LH.

    Simon Stern, Assoc. of Illustrators/DACS/CCC, Tel/Fax: 8458 8250 email [email protected], 19 Corringham Road, London NW11 7BS.

    John Fray, NUJ Asst. Gen. Sec.

    Anita Halpin - NUJ Hon. Treasurer,

    Trevor Goodchild, NUJ NEC, Tel: 020 8530 4420, 157 Whipps Cross Road,London E11 1NP

    Claire Kirby, NUJ Lawyer

    Judith Hickling, Telleax Monitors, 292 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SE1V 2AE. 020 7963 7640 email [email protected].

    Kevin Cooper, NUJ FIC, Tel: 028 9077 7299, 41 Kansas Ave., Belfast BT15 5AX.

    Bob Norris, NUJ FIC

    Kyran Connolly, NUJ Asst Organizer

    Beulah Ainley - NUJ FIC - Tel: 0208 554 4019, 41 Vaughan Gardens, Ilford, Essex 1G1 3PA. Email [email protected]

    Gary Herman, Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom Tel: 0161 881 0672, email [email protected] 24 Zetland Road, Manchester M21 2TH.

    Frank Chalmers, NUJ LFB - [email protected] Tel: 020 7354 5962 Fax: 020 7354 5962 129 Highbury Hill, London N5 1TA.

    Aideen Sheehan, NUJ - Dublin Branch, Tel: 00 3531 7055333, 8 Hyacintch Street, North Strand, Dublin 3.

    Stephen Wilkinson NUJ Freelance Industrial Council, 9 Seymour Lodge, Seymour Road, Hampton Wick, KT1 4HY, Tel: 020 8287 1981.

    Di Harris - NUJ - Treasurer FIC, Pear Tree Cottage, High Street, Urchfont, Devizes, Wilts. SN10 4QH.

    Joyce McMillan, NUJ FIC, Tel:Fax 0131 557 1726, 8 East London Street, Edinburgh EH7 4BH.

    Phil Wainwright, Managing Editor, Farleit Ltd. (ASP, 12 Prince Regent Mews, London NW1 3EW. Tel: 7387 9106, Fax 7387 9193, [email protected]

    Peter Filleul, Director E.S.D.A. (European Sound Directors' Assoc., 16 Thorlewood Ave, London SE26 4BX, Tel: 020 8699 1245, Fax: 020 8291 55 84, email [email protected]

    United States

    Katia Stieglitz, ARS (Artists Rights Society), Tel: 1 212 420 9160, Fax: 1 212 420 9286, email [email protected] 65, Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012, USA.

    Linda Foley, President of the Newspaper Guild - CVW Vice-President, email [email protected] The Newspaper Guild-CWA, 501 Third St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 USA. Telephone 1 202 434 1261

    Jonathan Tasini, President National Writers Union, [email protected]

    Ken Morgan - Mrs Morgan - 151 Overhill, London SE22 0PS, Tel: Fax 020 8 693 6585


    Gregorio Salazar, Secretary General, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa, Secretary General, Tel: 58 2 793 2883, Fax 58 2 793 1996 email [email protected] Avenida Andrés Bello entre La Salle y Las Palmas, Casa Nacional de Periodistas, Ala B, Piso 2, Oficina 23-B Caracas, Venezuela.,

    Felix Gerardi, Fotografo Diario el Universal Caracas, Venezuela, Tel: 58 2 793 2883, Fax 58 2 793 1996 email [email protected] Avenida Andrés Bello entre La Salle y Las Palmas, Casa Nacional de Periodistas, Ala B, Piso 2, Oficina 23-B Caracas, Venezuela.

    International Federation of Journalists:
    Aidan White
    General Secretary, IFJ
    IPC-Residence Palace
    Rue de la Loi 155
    B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
    Telephone: 32-2-235 22 00
    Telefax: 32-2-235 22 19
    e-mail: [email protected], website:
    Renate Schroeder, European Officer
    Bettina Peters, Project Director

    National Union of Journalists:
    John Foster, General Secretary, NUJ, Acorn House, 314-320 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8DP. Tel: 020 7843 3728, fax: 020 7278 6617, e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected], website:

    Francine Feret, Andre Sanz, Annick Laval Morgan, Ermano Venti, Zoe Gabriele Hewetson plus Ms Yuriko Seki

    V. Appendices

    APPENDIX A: Decisions of the IFJ Executive Committee

    The Executive Committee, meeting in London on June 12th - 13th , 2000, agreed:

    That the core group organising the global campaign should be directed by the Authors' Rights Expert Group with the addition of Jonathan Tasini and Hans Verploeg and, when appropriate, one representative from each of the regions, Latin America, Asia and Africa.

    That the regional meetings should be finalised in co-operation between the AREG and the project division. During the preparation of the regional conferences small committees should be established to ensure follow-up work at regional level.

    That an allocation of 20,000 Euro from the working programme should be made towards the post of a campaigner who would work under the direction of the EFJ.

    That the General Secretary would approach selected unions to seek further financial support for the position of campaigner.

    APPENDIX B. Decisions of the European Federation of Journalists

    The Steering Committee of the EFJ, meeting in Brussels on July 29th, took two decisions in this field. First, it agreed:

    A) To endorse the decisions of the Executive Committee and to support the General Secretary in sending letters to EFJ member unions seeking support for the position of author's rights campaign co-ordinator.
    B) To note that this position would be working with the European officer and General Secretary and accountable, through the General Secretary, to the EFJ Steering Committee and the IFJ Executive Committee.

    Second, the EFJ Steering Committee endorsed the following work programme for AREG adopted at the annual meeting of the EFJ:
    1. That the EFJ and its member unions should support the Authors' Right Expert Group (AREG) in its campaign, which will now be focused on the European Parliament, especially the Legal Committee, to make major amendments to the Draft Copyright Directive on Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society;
    2. That the IFJ Authors' Rights page will be developed as a tool for member unions. For that agreements have to be provided by member unions to be put on the website as best practice examples;

    3. That the EFJ and its member unions will support the conclusions for the Authors' Rights Campaign adopted at the IFJ Authors' Rights Summit;

    4. That the AREG in support of EFJ member unions will continue to lobby WIPO, the European Commission and the Council of Europe on moral rights issues;

    5. That the AREG will continue to be active as part of the Creators' Forum;

    6. That the AREG will update the Authors' Rights Handbook;

    7. That the EFJ and the IFJ shall look into possibilities of engaging a legal expert or a campaigner to follow all major aspects relating to authors' rights including representation at EU and international level.

    Brussels, August 2nd 2000


    The organisers would like to acknowledge the generous support of the following organisations in the preparation of the London Summit:

    Association Générale des Journalistes Professionnels de Belgique, Belgium
    Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematograph Theatre Union, UK
    Chartered Institute of Journalists, UK
    Copyright Clearance Centre, United States
    Communications Workers of America-The Newspaper Guild, United States
    Dansk Journalistforbund, Denmark
    Deutscher Journalisten-Verband, Germany
    Federazione Nazionale della Stampa Italiana, Italy
    International Federation of Journalists, Belgium
    Journalists' Copyright Fund, UK
    KOPIOSTO, Finland
    National Union of Journalists, UK
    London Freelance Branch, NUJ, UK
    National Writers Union, United States
    Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten, The Netherlands
    Norsk Journalistlag, Norway
    Suomen Journalistiliitto, Finland
    Svenska Journalistförbundet, Sweden
    Syndicat national des journalistes, France
    The Society of Authors, UK