IFJ Partners with WageIndicator to Campaign for Decent Pay to Journalists

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is partnering with WageIndicator, a global wage survey that has measured wages of over 1,500 different occupations and 400 industries in over 48 countries around the world to date, to campaign for decent pay for journalists.

"Too many journalists face wage discrimination in the workplace," said Aidan White, IFJ General Secretary. "Wages of women and young journalists are particularly at stake. Unions need to take action so that journalists' salaries are, for the first time, assessed on a global scale."

In a letter addressed to its affiliates on 5th July, the IFJ called on all its members to participate in the global wage survey to help national campaigns to raise awareness among journalists of their rights to decent pay for their work and decent working conditions.

"By taking part in this initiative, journalists will be able to enhance decent pay for their work by carrying out a salary check. They can compare their current salaries with those of their peers, or those in other occupations in the global labour market," explained White.

The global wage survey will measure, in particular, journalists' average salary based on experience, salaries of young journalists entering the profession and the gender pay gap in the profession. The analysed data will be published in different languages and made accessible online. The findings will serve as a wage indicator for journalists around the world.

"Journalists can also take a ‘decent work check' to assess whether their working conditions are decent, based on international standards and in accordance with the national law of the countries where they work," added White.

"At a time when many journalists face salary cuts and deteriorating working conditions, such information is particularly helpful in salary and benefit negotiations," stressed White. "By making such information available to the public, journalists are making the profession more transparent and accountable."

The IFJ encourages its affiliates and journalists to participate in the survey and make use of this information for effective collective bargaining and promoting public trust in journalism. 

To join the survey, please visit your country's website on WageIndicator:


South Africa - Mywage.co.za
Southern Africa - Mywage.org
Southern Africa - Meusalario.org
Argentina - Elsalario.com.ar
Brasil - Meusalario.org.br
Chile - Tusalario.org/Chile
Colombia - Tusalario.org/Colombia
More Latin America: Tusalario.org
Mexico - Misalario.org
USA - Paywizard.org
Azerbaijan - Qazancim.az
China - WageIndicator.cn
India - Paycheck.in
Indonesia - Gajimu.com
Kazakhstan - Mojazarplata.kz
Korea  -  WageCheck.co.kr

     Belarus - Mojazarplata.by
     Belgium - Votresalaire.be/Loonwijzer.be
     Czech republic Mujplat.cz
     Denmark - Lontjek.dk
     Finland - Palkkalaskuri.fi
     France - Votresalaire.fr
     Germany - Lohnspiegel.de
     Hungary - Berbarometer.hu
     Italy - Iltuosalario.it
     Netherlands - Loonwijzer.nl
     Poland - Twojezarobki.pl
     Russia - Mojazarplata.ru
     Slovakia - Mojplat.sk
     Spain - Tusalario.es
     Sweden - se.wageindicator.org
     UK - Paywizard.co.uk
     Ukrain - Mojazarplata.com.ua
     Russian - Mojazarplata.com

For more information regarding the survey, please contact Pamela Moriniere: +32 2 235 22 16.

The IFJ represents over 600,000 journalists in 125 countries worldwide