Application for Membership of the International Federation of Journalists

<form name="form1" action="" method="post">

To be completed and returned to the General Secretary of the IFJ at the address below.

Before completing the form and questionnaire read the attached notes carefully.
All Questions marked see note have an accompanying note.

1. What is the official name of your organisation?
<input size="50" name="textfield"/>

2. What is the postal address of your organisation?
<input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield36"/>
<input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield37"/>
<input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield38"/>

Telephone: <input title="Your Google Toolbar can fill this in for you. Select AutoFill" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffa0" size="30" name="textfield2"/>
Telefax: <input title="Your Google Toolbar can fill this in for you. Select AutoFill" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffa0" size="30" name="textfield3"/>
E-Mail: <input title="Your Google Toolbar can fill this in for you. Select AutoFill" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffa0" size="50" name="textfield4"/>

3. Who are the leading officers of the organisation?
<input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield39"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield40"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield41"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield42"/>

4. To whom should correspondence be addressed?
<input size="50" name="textfield5"/>

5. a) Is your organisation a trade union? YES/NO see note 5
<input name="textfield6"/>

b) Do you admit employers (media owners) into membership? YES/NO see note5
<input name="textfield7"/>
If Yes, explain under what circumstances?
<input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield43"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield44"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield45"/>

c) Do you admit editors-in-chief? YES/NO <input name="textfield8"/>

d) Do you admit journalists in all sectors? YES/NO <input name="textfield9"/>
If No, specify field or sector in which your members work
<input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield46"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield47"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield48"/>

e) How many regular members are there in your organisation? <input name="textfield10"/>

6. Is your organisation a national organisation? YES/NO see note 6
<input name="textfield11"/>

7. Are you a member of a national trade union federation? YES/NO see note7
<input name="textfield12"/>
If Yes, please give the name of the Federation
<input size="50" name="textfield13"/>

8. Does your union negotiate and bargain on behalf of journalists? YES/NO see note 8 <input name="textfield14"/>
If yes, do you have existing collective agreements? YES/NO <input name="textfield15"/>
If yes, how many are currently in force? <input name="textfield16"/>

9. In your country is there more than one organisation representing journalists? YES/NO see note 9 <input name="textfield17"/>
If Yes, give the name and state what differences exist
<input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield49"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield50"/>

10. The IFJ may admit industrial unions that also represent journalists. If you recruit other workers, are journalists specifically recognised in your union? YES/NO see note 10 <input name="textfield18"/>

11. Are you affiliated to any other international trade union or journalists'organisation? YES/NO <input name="textfield19"/>
If Yes, please give the name <input size="60" name="textfield20"/>

12. Please complete the following questions which relate to the representation of your membership:

What is the total number of journalists in membership? <input name="textfield21"/>
How many members are women? <input name="textfield22"/>
How many work in radio? <input name="textfield23"/>
How many work in television? <input name="textfield24"/>
How many work in newspapers? <input name="textfield25"/>
How many work in news agencies? <input name="textfield26"/>
How many work in digital media? <input name="textfield27"/>
Do you admit freelances into membership? <input name="textfield28"/>
If so, how many freelances are members of the union? <input name="textfield29"/>
In what other areas do your members work? Please specify: (e.g.: public relations; public sector).
<input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield51"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield52"/> <input maxlength="60" size="60" name="textfield53"/>
What percentage of working journalists in your country is represented by your union? <input name="textfield30"/>

13. Does your union pledge itself to respect and practise effectively principles of press freedom and freedom of association YES/NO see note 13 <input name="textfield31"/>

14. For which status of membership do you apply? see note 14

Full Membership <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="checkbox"/>
Associate Membership <input type="checkbox" name="checkbox2" value="checkbox"/>

Please note the financial obligations of IFJ membership.

Failure to comply may result in suspension or expulsion from membership.

I, the undersigned (Full name)
<input size="70" name="textfield32"/>
Holding the position of <input size="70" name="textfield33"/>
Acting on behalf of (Name of union)
<input size="70" name="textfield34"/>

Having read and fully understood the conditions of membership, and having agreed that our organisation will abide the constitution of the IFJ, do formally apply for membership of the International Federation of Journalists.

Signed Date <input size="30" name="textfield35"/>


Please read these notes carefully before completing the enclosed application form.
(Note: the word "journalist" includes persons engaged in the gathering, preparation and dissemination of news, information and comment, through any or all available modes of transmission including printed, electronic and audiovisual media.

IFJ affiliates include photographers, camerapeople, creative artists, designers, layout staff and web-site personnel in their definition of the term "journalist").


This extract should be translated into one of the official languages of the IFJ: English, French or Spanish.


a) This question asks whether your organisation is a professional organisation (that is, concerned only with professional matters) or whether it is also a trade union (concerned as well with social rights and working conditions).

b) By "media owners" we mean people who have the absolute right to employ and to dismiss journalists, and whose responsibilities are solely related to commercial affairs, ownership, and management of the enterprise. This does not include working journalists who may become senior editorial executives and shareholders but who may, under your Rules, retain nominal membership of the organisation.


This refers to your ability to organise within defined national boundaries. The IFJ recognises that the term "national" can be defined in other ways than political boundaries and subject to other considerations such as culture, language and geographical location.


If you are a member of a national trade union confederation please state which one and its relationship, if known, with the international trade union movement.


Please send with your application form examples of agreements you have negotiated.


Please send details (including names and addresses of relevant contacts) of these organisations. In your statement of differences give any background information which may help the IFJ understand fully the circumstances in your country.


The IFJ has many industrial unions among its members. This question asks about identifying journalists within the general membership for the purposes, for instance, of issuing the International Press Card which can only be issued to working journalists.


Give any information regarding laws or recent practises in your country which may prevent journalists from fully applying the principles set out in this question.


Associate Membership is open to organisations of journalists who are committed to the principles of freedom of the press but who are unable to function as independent trade unions of journalists.

The IFJ accepts into Associate membership organisations who have the intention to form themselves into a trade union of journalists or who for other reasons -- such as national laws or other specific reasons -- cannot function as trade unions.

Associate Member unions pay half the membership fee applicable to the Union.

Full Membership is open to organisations that satisfy fully all requirements of the IFJ constitution. Full Members pay the membership affiliation fee applicable to the appropriate IFJ grade.

IFJ membership fees are graded into three categories according to the economic and social conditions in regions of the world. Member unions in Europe pay a supplementary fee for membership of the European Federation of Journalists.

IFJ Membership only becomes effective from the date of receipt of the first half year payment of fees due unless this condition is specifically waived by the Executive Committee or Congress of the IFJ.

Finally, please ensure that the letter of application is signed on behalf of the ruling body of the union by a responsible officer and is dispatched to the IFJ Secretariat as soon as possible after the decision to affiliate is taken.

Print Fill in the form, print it and send it with enclosures to:

The General Secretary
International Federation of Journalists
Résidence Palace, 155 rue de la Loi (Bloc C)
1040 Brussels
Belgium For Further Information contact the IFJ at the above address, or tel: +32-2-235 22 00, fax: +32-2-235 22 19 or e-mail: [email protected].
