Spain/Telemadrid : Message of Solidarity from EFJ to Strikers

Today the EFJ calls its members to support to the strikers at Spanish TV Telemadrid.
Messages of solidarity can be sent to: [email protected]

For the future of your work and of your company: go on strike!

A new management entered Telemadrid 3 years ago. During these years, we have just noticed that they were of bad faith in each negotiation. An agreement was signed for 4 years and will end up in December 2007.

The short term contracts are more and more numerous and hundreds of workers will lose their jobs because new contracts, according to the new labour law, would give them too many rights.

They do not do what they have signed end constantly change the interpretation they have of the agreement.

These reason would be enough to justify a general strike. But they have done more. Because of the bad management and the bad, and even political, selection of programmes, our company has been declining in terms of audience, relationship with the citizens and the Community of Madrid. It was also said that our company should be privatized as soon as possible.

So it is time for us to react. They waste our money and destroy our future. It is time for us to say “STOP” and face this management. We have to fight for our rights and for our future.

For all these reasons, we have decided to go on strike. The fight will continue after December 5th.

CC.OO / Federacion de Comunicacion y Transporte