IFJ Unions in Latin America Stand in Solidarity with the People of Peru and Their Journalist Colleagues

The participants in the “Union Structures Modernization and Invigorating Program” (FORMES) Central America and the Caribbean Group, meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica, under sponsorship of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), in the face of the regrettable tragedy suffered by the Peruvian people, express our solidarity with our colleagues in our sister union Asociación Nacional de Periodistas of Peru (ANP). We and take as ours their sorrow, wishing them a prompt recovery from the consequences of the terrible disaster affecting thousands of families, including many of our journalist colleagues, and which has caused damage to the historical ANP Headquarters’ building.

In Solidarity,

Sindicato Nacional de Periodistas (SNP) (National Union of Journalists) - Costa Rica
Susana Saravia / Alberto Gatjens / Enrique Sobaja / Sergio Fernández Solano

Sindicato Nacional de Periodistas y Similares de El Salvador (National Union of Journalists and Similar) (SINPESS)
Rudy Alvárez Sorto / Benjamín de Jesús López / René Antonio Rodríguez

Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Prensa y Similares
(SITINPRES) (Union of Workers of the Press Industry and Similars) - Honduras
Ney Edelmira Reyes / Lorna Cálix / Heidy Flores

Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Prensa (SNTP) (National Union of Press Workers) – Dominican Rep.
Milagros Acosta / Pablo Tejeda / Jesús Medina

Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa (SNRP) (National Union of Press Writers) - México
Pedro Arzeta / José Raimundo Ibañez / Alberto Olivas Sánchez
Juan Cervantes Gómez

Regional Office Internacional Federation of Journalists for Latin América
Gregorio Salazar, Regional Coordinator
Liliam Duque, Executive Assistent
Francisco Iturraspe, IFJ Instructor
Yonaide Sánchez, IFJ Instructor

San José de Costa Rica, August 16, 2007