International Day for Palestinian Journalists: Solidarity messages

Ahead of the International Day for Palestinian Journalists, a joint action organised by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and its affiliate, the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate (PJS) on 26 February, the IFJ shares solidarity messages from its affiliates around the world to support the work of PJS and condemn the massacre of Palestinian journalists and media workers. Around the world at noon, this February 2024, 26, the IFJ and its affiliates will observe a minute of silence for the journalists killed since October 7.

Credit: IFJ

  • More information about the International Day for Palestinian Journalists: here

Solidarity messages in English

“We continue to condemn the unprecedented killings of Palestinian journalists reporting from Gaza with immense bravery under unimaginable conditions. As we remember the 95 Palestinian colleagues killed during the ongoing war, we reflect too on the several others missing or injured whilst ensuring their accounts from the frontline are witnessed worldwide.  

The NUJ repeats its call for an immediate investigation by the International Criminal Court to ensure all incidents of the targeting of journalists constituting war crimes under international law, are properly investigated with perpetrators held to account. As we stand in solidarity with the Palestinian Journalists’ Syndicate and with all Palestinian journalists, it is incumbent on UK and Irish governments to do all they can to ensure Israel adheres to its commitments under humanitarian law. We call for the release of all hostages and for a permanent ceasefire to ensure attacks on journalists and all civilians come to an end”.

From the National Union of Journalists (NUJ) in the UK and Ireland


“Although words are journalist's main tool, there are none that could describe in full the dismay and helplessness what we feel while witnessing daily the pain and suffering of civilians and journalists in Gaza. 

On the eve of the International Day of Solidarity with Palestinian Journalists we once again reiterate our support from Croatia to all of you brave bearers of truth. We wish so intensely that we could just hug you all and protect you. 

We are painfully aware that thoughts and prayers are of little consolation but we hope that they can help a little bit. Please know that there are human beings who are thinking of you daily and that we will not stop talking, reporting and demanding justice and help spread your voice to the world”.

From Maja Sever, EFJ President and President of the Trade Union of Croatian Journalists


“Unifor, Canada’s largest private sector union, condemns the massive attacks on civilians in Gaza and the alarming number of journalists and media workers who have been harassed, threatened, targeted, and killed.

As trade unionists, we believe all journalists and media workers have the right to work, free from violence and threats. We also note that willful killing or murder of civilians, including journalists, constitutes a violation of international humanitarian law.

We have always been clear that press freedom is essential in upholding democracy, and it is particularly crucial in times of conflict. Unifor is calling for a ceasefire and an immediate end to indiscriminate attacks that have claimed the lives of at least 28,000 people.

To the journalists and media workers who are still on the ground in Gaza, we see you. We stand in solidarity with you. We know many of you have lost your homes, your families and your loved ones. We know there is very little food, water and electricity, yet you are still filing stories. We know no foreign journalists are allowed in Palestine, and you are the last line to the outside world, to bear witness and tell the truth. We know you are carrying an incredible burden, and please know this: you are not alone. The entire world is watching”.

From Unifor, Canada 


"The National Writers Union was the first national union in North America to condemn genocide in Gaza. When we first answered the call for solidarity by PJS last October, nine Palestinian journalists had been killed. Today, that number is over 100. As a proud affiliate of the International Federation of Journalists, and a proud sibling union of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, we are called to speak the truth. Our fellow journalists and media workers are being targeted and murdered in Gaza, while our colleagues at home are experiencing retaliation for their words of solidarity. Words have power, and together, so do we. That’s why we call on all media organizations to join us in refusing to use our words to manufacture consent for this genocide, and in demanding a permanent ceasefire."

From the National Writers Union (NWU), USA

Solidarity messages in Spanish

“Horror frente al exterminio de los periodistas palestinos. El ataque mortal contra nuestros colegas pretende que no quede testimonio de la infamia cometida. La valentía, el coraje, el valor de los periodistas locales es la mejor lección de periodismo para estas y futuras generaciones. Sus muertes no quedarán impunes. Replicaremos vuestras voces. No se silenciará la verdad matando periodistas”.

From Zuliana Lainez, IFJ Senior Vice President and President of Asociación Nacional de Periodistas (ANP), Perú 


"Desde la Federación de Asociaciones de Periodistas de España (FAPE) secundamos con firmeza la iniciativa de la FIP para la conmemoración del Día Internacional de los Periodistas Palestinos el 26 de febrero. Las dramáticas cifras de periodistas y trabajadores de los medios palestinos asesinados en la guerra de Gaza, que superan el centenar, son motivo de protesta e indignación para cualquier periodista solidario del mundo. No aceptamos, asimismo, la opacidad informativa procedente en la zona de conflicto, debido a la imposibilidad de acceso a la misma de las agencias y medios internacionales. Pedimos, una vez más, al Estado de Israel que cese sus incursiones bélicas indiscriminadas y atentatorias no sólo contra la población civil sino contra la libertad de expresión y la vida de los periodistas gazatíes. Y nos unimos al lema mundial de la FIP: "Israel: Stop Killing Journalists in Gaza".

From Federación de Asociaciones de Periodistas de España (FAPE)


“Los periodistas palestinos son verdaderos héroes en la lucha por información veraz. Enfrentar riesgos ya era parte de sus rutinas antes del 7 de octubre y, desde entonces, enfrentan la amenaza diaria a sus propias vidas. A ellos toda nuestra solidaridad y apoyo. Estamos juntos por el alto el fuego inmediato en Gaza, el fin de la ocupación israelí y por una Palestina libre.”

From the Federação Nacional dos Jornalistas (FENAJ), Brazil 


“La Federación de Sindicatos de Periodistas (FeSP,) de España, envía toda su solidaridad y apoyo al Sindicato de Periodistas Palestinos (SPP) y a todos los profesionales que se juegan la vida en Gaza, y muchos la han perdido, por defender el derecho a la información de la ciudadanía y realizar su trabajo para que el mundo entero conozca las atrocidades que están cometiendo con el pueblo palestino. ¡Mucho ánimo!”

From the Federación de sindicatos de Periodistas (FeSP), España

"Desde la Federación Colombiana de Periodistas, Fecolper, rechazamos todas las formas de violencia hacía las y los periodistas y manifestamos nuestra solidaridad con los colegas del Sindicato de Periodistas de Palestina y a los periodistas en Gaza.

Levantamos la voz, desde la distancia, para exigir que paren la violencia, que esperamos cese ya."

From Federación Colombiana de Periodistas (FECOLPER), Colombia 


From the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA), Australia


From the Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana (FNSI), Italy

For more information, please contact IFJ on +32 2 235 22 16

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