Belfast Telegraph reporter Leona O’Neill, who witnessed the killing of her colleague Lyra McKee, has received "vile and dangerous threats" according…

La Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP) ha publicado hoy su informe anual sobre todos los asesinatos de periodistas y en el que se detallan…

Digital media workers in North Macedonia have won a groundbreaking new charter for decent work and model fair work contracts, thanks to a campaign…

Citizens, journalists, artists, human rights organisations and journalists’ unions gathered on January 29th in Brussels to call on the Belgian…

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has joined forces with its US affiliate, the National Writers Union (NWU), to demand the rights of…

Voici le discours du Secrétaire général de la FIJ, Anthony Bellanger, délivré au Conseil de l'Europe le 27 janvier 2020 à Strasbourg (France).

The Turkish press authority on 24 January cancelled press cards of hundreds of journalists, but did not give any reason for the measure. The…

The presenter of the Italian Sanremo 2020 festival, broadcast by the Italian public television RAI, caused a wave of indignation in Italy after he…

The undersigned international and regional press freedom and journalism groups welcome the start of the murder trial this week against the suspected…

The President of Albania, Ilir Meta, has vetoed a proposed law that would stifle online media following the pressure from the Association of…

BBC presenter and National Union of Journalists (NUJ) member Samira Ahmed today won a landmark equal pay victory against the BBC. The International…

Las Federaciones Internacional y Europea de Periodistas (FEP y FIP) se unen a su afiliado español, la Federación de Servicios a la Ciudadanía de…

[Translate to Spanish:]

La FIP ha registrado un total de 49 asesinatos de periodistas y trabajadores/as de medios de comunicación en 2019, un descenso significativo con…

The European Broadcasters Union (EBU) has published a new report, ‘All Things Being Equal’, in which its members share their own experience and good…

Journalists from the Russian Sputnik news agency in Estonia are facing threats from the Estonian authorities, who have demanded they stop cooperating…

Russian President Putin signed into law a controversial amendment to the Administrative Violation Code on December 16, which will allow for…