The so-called Foreign Interference Countermeasures Act (FICA) has been passed by Singapore’s parliament on October 4, with the new legislation…

Prominent Afghan journalist and author Sayed Maroof Sadat, a former government spokesperson and an affiliate of radio ‘Sub Bakhair and Sham Bakhai’,…

Youn Chhiv, journalist and owner of website Koh Kong Hot News, was sentenced to a years imprisonment on September 30 for incitement under Cambodia’s…

Desde el 12 de agosto, la Federación Internacional de Periodistas (FIP), muchos de sus sindicatos afiliados y otras organizaciones internacionales han…

“Cambiar todo para no cambiar nada”. Este podría ser el nombre de la cínica política de comunicación del nuevo gobierno talibán en Afganistán.

Cientos de periodistas en Afganistán han huido o se han escondido en las últimas semanas tras la toma del poder de los talibanes. El director de uno…

IFJ in the news

Every week the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) is compiling a list of the top news articles from across the world in which it is…

On 30 September, the Zimbabwean police arrested and held for two hours nine journalists covering a public demonstration in Harare. The International…

Public service media companies and international organisations have signed the Brussels Declaration on September 30, 2021, a statement for journalist…

The Taliban has closed down Afghanistan’s women’s affairs ministry and replaced it with a controversial ‘virtue and vice ministry’ in a telling and…

Employees of Hong Kong’s public broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) have been instructed to support the Hong Kong government in safeguarding…

Manuel González Reyes fue baleado en la ciudad de Cuernavaca este martes por personas que se trasladaban en motocicleta. Todavía no hay detenidos y se…

Environmental reporting

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has collaborated with the Thomson Foundation on this free online course to help journalists look…

Five media rights and press freedom organisations have called for the repeal of an alarming provision within Article 136 of the Maldivian Evidence…

On September 19, the interim director of the so-called Government Media and Information Centre (GMIC) announced 11 new media regulations for…

Twenty years after the murder of investigative journalist Martin O’Hagan, who was shot dead in Lurgan, Northern Ireland, by the paramilitary Loyalist…